Chapter 20

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Tessa's POV:

Pale walls with dark stains were the first thing my eyes adjusted to. It was dark and eerily quiet in what I assumed was a cell.

I went to stretch but I felt my hands being restricted. My breathing faltered as I tugged and tugged until I realised I was not getting out of here.

"Breathe in." I muttered shakily to myself, trying to calm the panic attack.
"Breathe out."

"Ah! Good you're awake." A voice rang out through the empty room and echoed a little, sending shivers down my spine.

Somewhere a light switched on and illuminated the strangers face.

Except for the fact it wasn't a stranger it was Kyle.

And standing next to him was my dad....

Ace's POV:

"What do you mean taken?!" I yelled at the girls in front of me.

"Sir they came up from behind us. They drugged us all but when we woke up, Tess was missing." Jasmine spoke up shaking.

"For fucks sake!" I yelled again, making Selene jump 2 feet in the air.

They both had tear stained cheeks and their mascara was smudged along with the rest of their makeup.

"Just get me Giovanni."

"Yes sir." Selene sniffled.

"Ace. If you are Tessa's best friend then it's Ace.

"Thankyou." Jasmine smiles before both girls left in search of Gio.

I put my head in my hands and massaged my temple. This girl has given me more headaches than I care to imagine but I haven't kicked her out yet. Why? No fucking clue. Maybe it's because she was mistreated before. I didn't want her going back on the streets or into the hands of her father. She was my responsibility.

And I had lost her.

"Ace, man, I heard."

Gio burst through the door with a somber look upon his face. His sadness soon turned into anger though and I recounted what the girls had told me.

"I'll get security cameras. See if I can find anything."

Why didn't I put a damn tracker in her?!

It had been hours since we started looking for her. The entire mansion had a role to play in her being found but nothing was coming up.

Whoever took her was skilled and clearly knew what they were doing.

"I've got something!" Gio yelled in my ear and he turned his computer screen to me.

It was a blurry photo but it was clear enough to see Tessa being smashed against the wall with a needle at her throat.

"Zoom in." I growled.

Giovanni did as I said but it didn't have much luck as the men's faces were still too blurry.

"Run a data recognition. See what you can find. You can't leave until you find her."

My phone rang almost abruptly. Gio and I looked at the unknown number as the phone ringing was the only noise.

"Hello?.." I answered with my jaw clenched.

"Ace please help. They've  got me-" I could hear Tessa crying in the background before a loud slap echoed through the line.

"Sorry about my daughter. Clearly I didn't teach her good enough manners."

"Paul" I felt a rush of anger run through my veins and it took everything in my will not to shoot the phone.

"Kyle's here too." He laughed.

He fucking laughed.

"I swear to god if you lay a hand on her-"

"Blah blah blah. Have fun getting her." The line hung dead as Paul's taunting still ran in my ears. I will find her no matter what.

"I tracked the call. I've got a location."



Sorry for the short chapter. I've been out of inspiration lately and I wanted to give you guys at least something.

Please give feedback (even if it's not so nice feedback)

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