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Tessa's pov:

After he left, a girl came by to tell me I could have a bath.

I assumed she was a maid that Giovanni mentioned.

I followed her advice and ran a bath for myself.

I always found baths more soothing than showers.

I stripped out of the baggy clothes I was in, checking that there were towels for afterwards.

The bath was warm so I stepped in and settled with a calm breath.

I put my head underwater to clear my thoughts.

After I couldn't hold my breath any longer, I resurfaced, only to hear yelling from outside the door.

"Tessa! For the love of god just fucking answer! Are you alive?! I'm going to break down the fucking door if you don't answer!"

I didn't know what to do.

He sounded angry, and I didn't like when people got angry; usually it meant more trips to the hospital.

I grabbed my towel and did the only logical thing I could think of at the time, I hid in the corner of the room.

Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but I was scared.

There was a loud bang and the door came off its hinges.

Giovanni burst in, his shirt only half buttoned up and his hair messy.

He spotted me and let out a breath of what I hoped was relief.

"Why the fuck didn't you answer?!" He was fidgeting. "I thought you were dead!"

I wrapped my towel further around me self consciously.

He cared if I died or not?

Giovanni's pov:

I raised my hand to run it through my hair and Tessa flinched, turning her head away and covering it.

What the fuck did her dad do to her to make her like this?

"Tessa." I softened my voice for her. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just was worried. I promise I won't hit you, remember?"

She gave me a small nod but didn't move from her protective position by the wall.

"Tessa. Words please." I encouraged.

"Y-yes. I remember..." She looked intimidated and she didn't know how to address me.


"Mr Russo. Or sir. You choose."

"Okay, s-sir." She still was slightly trembling and I sighed.

"I'll let you get dressed, there are clothes on the bed. If you don't like those, there are more in the closet."

I gave her a sad smile and stepped over the door to get out of the bathroom.

She'll get used to it here. She just needs time.

She has been abused for her whole 17 years she has been alive.

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