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Tessa's POV:

When I woke up, I felt as if I had slept for hours. My face had dried tears stained over it and my eyes were puffy and red.

I felt numb. And not just on the outside. I felt used and broken. Sure, this had happened before but no one else knew. I felt so dirty, as if even a million showers couldn't wash away the sins those men had committed.

I rolled over once more to fall back asleep. Dreams were the one chance I could forget reality, if it wasn't for my nightmares.

Sometimes I envy people who can forget. And I know it sounds cruel to envy someone who cannot remember loved ones or cherish good memories, but I had neither of these things and so I let myself be selfish.

I pray that one day I might wake up and forget all the bad things that have happened, or find it was all a dream. Other times I wish that one day I won't wake up at all.

But it was true. I was broken and used and no one loves people like that. The world wouldn't notice one worthless human being die. They didn't need me and what was the point in living if I was so miserable.

A knock at my door knocked me out of my intrusive thoughts, possibly for the best.

"Sweetheart, Gio asked me to bring up some food for you!" Rosa's voice called from behind the wooden door and I found my feet walking in that direction.

I opened the door to see Rosa holding a plate of fish and chips, along with a tub of icecream, knives, forks and spoons.

"Thankyou Rosa." My voice was hoarse from all the crying as I took my meal and closed the door again, locking it from the inside.

I wasn't hungry, maybe I should go on a diet? My father said I should eat less and maybe all this time he was right. All his words flooded through my head once more and I made my decision.

I disregarded my meal and instead picked up one of the knives, heading over to the bathroom.

Once I walked in, I locked the door and slumped against it. The world was better off this way. And I just wanted the pain to leave. It was too much for me. Far too much.

I started to make a clean slice in my wrist, the pain was horrible at first, but it was nothing compared to my fathers beatings. But with every cut I made, I felt the pain subside and I realised I deserved this punishment, far more than any normal person.

I slowly felt my body slide into the floor and my eyes began to close. I was losing blood, but that was he plan. By the time they found me, I would be long gone.

The knife crashed to the floor and my eyes finally began to close.

Giovanni's POV:

I was pissed. Actually much worse than that. I had seen video footage of all the times that bastard had pulled her into that room with a gun to her head or back.

I was storming over to her room to check on her and make sure she had eaten the meal Rosa had sent up half an hour ago.

I knocked softly, "Tessa, I know you might not want to talk to anyone but at least let me in, I'll take back your food?"

After a few moments I knocked again.

And again.

And again.

There was still no reply and so I got out my key and opened the door myself. But Tessa was not sitting on her bed like I suspected.

I walked over to the bathroom, maybe she was in a bath again?

"Tessa? Are you in the bath?" I thought she might not want to talk to me, until I saw a red liquid seeping under the door.

"No no no no no no no." I panicked.

I started kicking the door and violently shaking the handles. Why did I make the doors so strong!?

With every blow from my foot, the door started to crack open until it flew open and revealed a lifeless Tessa with a bloodstained knife laying next to her.


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