Chapter 17

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"Get up!"

A voice woke me from my peaceful slumber.

"You want in on the mafia? Then you have to wake your ass up before 12."

I squeezed my eyes open to see Ace leaning against the wall, cigar in one hand and his other running through his hair.

"What the fuck is wrong with you."  I sat up and cuddles the blankets around them.

"Get ready to start training. Meet me downstairs in 20 minutes." With nothing more than that, he left my room, slamming the door behind him.

"Someone's grumpy." I muttered and finally pulled myself out of bed.

I got into a training crop-top and training shorts and brushed my teeth. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail with my baby hairs out.

I put on a tracksuit to cover my exposed body and put on a bit of natural makeup.

As I headed down stairs I could hear fast talking in Italian and a slam of a phone on the floor.

As I walked through the kitchen, Ace had his hands in his hair looking pissed. "Took you bloody long enough." He grumbled. "Let's go."

I grabbed an apple and followed him quickly out the door and along the hallways. No words were exchanged as we walked next to each other.

We stopped at two big doors and he pushed the open with ease, revealing a massive room with a boxing arena, weights, guns and knives.

He took off his jacket and his shirt. I gawked at his abs before forcing my eyes back to his eyes.

He looked bored and pissed. "Take off your tracksuit, you can't train properly in it."

"Nah I'm good"

"I'm serious. Take it off."

"I'm cold."

"Does it look like I care?!"

"I'm wearing nothing underneath."

"You and I both know that isn't fucking true! Do you want to be in the mafia or not?! I don't like my time being wasted."

Instead of responding, I slowly took of my track jumper and pants as Ace eyed me up and down.

He couldn't see my back, thankfully, as that was where most of my scars were.

"You'll have to get the mafia tattoo as well when you join. If you are good enough, that is."

"Ok." I sighed and chucked my clothes to the side.

"Let's start."

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