Chapter 18

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A/N sorry i haven't been updating. I've been really uninspired and lazy

Tessa's pov:

I stood with a group of about 70 people, waiting to begin our training into the mafia. I had already completed my shooting and throwing with Giovanni, Jace and Veto, who have become my somewhat friends over the last month.

I was waiting for the physical fighting and sparring to begin, with my fellow tryouts. Ace and I had been working together almost every day to train me up for this and it was brutal to say the least. I was wearing gym shorts and a black and grey crop-top which revealed a few of my scars which people had clearly noticed.

"Did you see that girl?"
"I feel bad for her."
"I don't. No guy will ever want her. She deserves no pity."

"Hey." I heard a whisper from next to me. A gorgeous filipino girl was next to me smiling. She had black silky hair, a great body and was just a little shorter than me. " Don't listen to what the say. They just can't find anything that they have better than you so they try to make you flawed. You are beautiful girl. I'm Jasmine. If we both make it through, I'd love to be friends."

I smiled warmly at her, "I'm Tessa and I'd love that. Thanks so much." Before I could say any more, Ace stepped up to the stage and silence fell.

"Everyone form pairs now! We will be demonstrating how to fight in situations you WILL find yourself in. Now it appears we have an odd number, Tessa Coltrane you'll be training with me. The rest of you get to it!" He boomed and people gave me looks of disgust.

"She's probably sleeping with him to get in." One of the other girls behind me laughed.

I stormed over to the tray of knives that was a few steps in front of me and whirled around, throwing it at the girl, close enough to cut the side of her head and ear, but not enough to do proper damage.

"I'm not sleeping with that man for fucks safe!" I yelled as she let out a muffled cry and held her face.

"GET TO WORK!" Ace yelled and everyone began pairing up, Jasmine giving me a look of sympathy before pairing up with a guy who I had not seen all round.

I walked to where Ace was with angry tears brimming in my eyes. "Don't listen to those plastic bitches. You have skill, they don't." I managed a tight lip smile before Ace led me to a small corner away from everyone else.

"You scored top of the class for shooting and throwing, I have no doubt that you can beat everyone in fighting as well. Channel your anger into fighting, but don't let it cloud your head. Your movements will become sloppy and you will be tortured, shot and killed."

"Nice way to put it." I mumbled
"I'm serious Tessa." He growled, my name coming off his lips sending weird sparks through my body.

"Are you ready to lose?" He questioned me, loosening his tie and chucking hid jacket to the side.

"Try me."


Neither Ace or I won, we were constantly fighting until Nico came over and made us take a break.

I was still guzzling water as Ace made his way on stage.

"Those who will be joining our family are, Tessa Coltrane, Eric Sailor, Selene Cezar and Jasmine Cocos. Everyone else can piss off." I looked excitedly to Jasmine who ran over and congratulated me straight away.

"I can't believe we both got in." I laughed and finished the bottle of water. "Let's go meet the others."

Eric was a tall and slim blonde boy who had incredible looks and impeccable taste, even in training gear. Selene was also gorgeous with long flowing black hair and olive skin. She was a bit taller than me and Jasmine but still shorter than Eric, Ace and the boys.

"Congratulations!" Eric smiled and Selene came over to hug us. Caught by surprise, I didn't hug her back straight away and she pulled back looking shy. "I'm sorry I was just excited. It was totally out of place-" She was starting to ramble.

"No no no. It's completely fine, I was just surprised thats all." I laughed.

"Get your asses over here. You need to take an oath!" Ace called out to us as he waited by the door with his arms crossed. I rolled my eyes but began walking as the others followed suit.

A/N - sorry just a short chapter but as I said, the inspiration and motivation just weren't coming to me for weeks.

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