16. Capo's Possession

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I rushed into the foyer, ahead of everyone else despite their shouts telling me to get behind them, Normally, I would have listened but I recognized this persons voice. Someone grabbed my arm and pushed me behind them, It was Romeo who then pointed a finger at me telling me to stay back.

There she was, a gun to her head looking calm as ever. My brothers looked at the scene in front of them, a young girl with her back pinned to the wall, looking bored with the barrel of a pistol pressed to her temple. Quite a normal situation if you ask me.

'So I manage to get past the electric fence, armed gates and patrolled roads. But this is where I get caught!' She exclaimed as she tried to break free from the guard who had her in a secure grip.

'You were probably being loud.' I laughed at her as she rolled her eyes.

'Of course I was fucking loud, I'm not good at the sneaky shit like you are.' She pointed to me.

'Wait you know her?' Armani asked me as he signalled for the guard to let her go. She immediately came over and tackled me into a hug which sent me staggering back a few steps. I held onto my best friend as she buried her face into my shoulder.

She stepped back to inspect me. 'Have you been playing tennis?'

'How do you know that?' Gio asked defensively, probably because he still didn't know who she was.

'She has her lucky shoes on, and she always wears that hoodie when she plays.' Izzy shrugged.

'Who may you be?' Michele questioned in a deep voice.

'I'm Isabella, Alessa's best friend.' She shortly introduced herself before turning back to me. 'Your brothers are hot.'

'And your desperate.' I retorted back. She slapped my arm suddenly and glared into me, like she wanted to kill me.

'You left me alone with Leo and Angelo for almost a month!' She exclaimed. 'They tried to take me on their little drug swap trips. I obviously didn't go. Then the Russians came looking for you, Angelo had to make up a bizarre story on the spot which go them away. And they ran out of pretzels in the underground!' She rambled loudly.

'I'm sure we can find some more pretzels.' I assured her.

'Ok cool. Also, my mum is outside, she snuck here with me. I would have told you, but I wanted it to be a surprise. Should I tell her to come out of the bush or let her sit there a little longer.' She asked me mischievously.

'Tell her to come out.' She grabbed her phone and called her mum who answered quite quickly, she spoke in Italian to her mum who hung up the phone. 'Can she come inside?' She asked my brothers. I saw Vince nod once at her who mentioned that she would have come in regardless. I shook my head at her behaviour.

'Go outside and let the women in.' Luca said to the guard who was once holding Izzy. Not even a few seconds later, Elenora came through the door with a handbag hanging from her arm.

'Hello, Alessa.' She came to me with open arms. She hugged me tightly and looked around at my brothers. 'Are these your brothers?' I nodded, she looked at them one more time before saying something I really hoped she wouldn't say.

'They're hot.'

'They are half your age.' I spoke flabbergasted.

'Mum!' Izzy exclaimed at the same time as me.

'Anyway. We bought some of your stuff.' Elenora changed the subject and handed me my gun, Izzy handed me a small bottle of whiskey that was hid under her shirt.

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