67. A Mouse

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There was no chauffeur this time, Dante had taken his place in the passenger seat which could only mean that Rocco would be the one driving. The latter returned back to the car after buying a bottle of water, and possibly speaking with the woman to see if he could find out what I had bought.

'La donna ha annullato il pagamento, è stato rimosso dalla mia carta. Alessa ha ancora la borsa, temo di non sapere cosa ci sia dentro.' He spoke irritated as he smoothly got into the front seat, closing the door behind him, locking us all into the car. (The woman rescinded the payment, it has been removed from my card. Alessa still has the bag, I'm afraid I cant be sure what is inside)

'Potresti anche parlare in inglese.' I muttered under my breath, shaking my head as Rocco looked up at me through the front mirror. (You may as well speak in English)

'What was that?' Dante's hard voice rang throughout the closed space, and made me roll my eyes in response. His freshly grained voice from the nicotine he just consumed caused his words to sound even more menacing. It was times like these where I forget that he is only a few years older than me. I had even forgotten that Rocco still had his eye on me.

'Nothing of your concern.' I spoke slightly louder than a whisper this time. Not caring about this spike in my attitude. My responses were fiery and held a lot more impertinence then I intended to get out.

'I think you will find it is very much our concern. You are in no position to talk back, not under my watch, the attitude doesn't suit you, so drop it.' I stared directly at Rocco through the mirror, narrowing my eyes at him. 'Now.' He snapped.

I swallowed that anger when it was a fire-seed and forgot to drink something cool, and so it grew in my belly until I had to force It down, so that it wouldn't come out as hot as any dragon has ever flamed. My fists were forming themselves into balls, and my teeth were grinding. Not just because they were being so insensitive, but because the car still hadn't moved anywhere. I needed to get home. 

Per my unspoken wish, Rocco turned away, started the car, looked down from the mirror and pulled out of the car park. My stomach was cramping up, I couldn't handle the stress and pain at once. 

Just when I didn't think this situation could get much worse, I soon realised that we were not going in the direction of the estate. 

'I need to go home.' I muttered, finding a voice once again. 

'Hmm?' I could hear the uncertainty and mock in Dante's hum.

'I said I need to go home.' I spoke up a little louder, growing only slightly frustrated that I had to repeat myself, when I knew fully and well that they both heard me.

'If you want to be at home so badly, you never should have left in the first place.' 

Rocco stopped the car near to a lone highway. I wasn't sure how far we had driven, but we were basically isolated here. As soon as the car came to a stop, Dante opened his door and got out, Rocco did the same after sliding the key into his pocket. 

I was sitting on the backseat, behind the passenger seat, so instinctively, I moved the bag from one side of my feet, into the middle of both of them. I sat upright, and squeezed my knees together, in hope that they wouldn't open my door and snatch away the bag.

Once they were both outside, they started speaking over the hood of the car. They both had their hands in their pockets, and were looking awfully frightening. If they weren't my brothers, I would quickly suspect that they had bought me here to kill me.

I saw Dante nod once as he pulled out another cigarette from the pack, they both began to slowly approach the car again. Rocco on the other side of my door, Dante, being the closest to my door, pulled on the handle, and exposed me to the cold. 'Don't kill me.' I whispered, genuinely frightened that I may have pissed them off too much. I just get no damn privacy. 

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