22. Colombo

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Hi everyone, I have changed Michele's character aesthetic. I have also amended chapters 5&10. Happy reading!

I sat at the edge of my bed, harshly rubbing my eyes, trying to remove myself from dreamland. Another yawn escaped my lips as I flopped back down onto bed. I was going to stretch, but my eyes closed again. I heard my door being opened a few minutes later, and a short sigh followed.

'Polpetto, you need to wake up.' I could tell by the soft tone that it was Armani speaking. I groaned as I rolled onto my stomach.

'Just five more minutes.' I mumbled into my pillow.

'You have school.' He reminded me. I forced myself to sit up, as I rubbed my eyes again. I looked to him with a bored face and sighed, completely forgetting this fact.

'Wooh, so fun.' I cheered sarcastically, lazily waving my fist in the air. He chuckled, reaching over to ruffle my already knotted hair, telling me to get up one more time as he left the room.

I slid of the bed and my feet made contact with the soft carpet.

I trudged over to the bag where my uniform was, I unzipped it and took out the hanger, everything already attached. I threw it onto my bed and started to get changed.

It was nice, nicer than it looked displayed. The skirt was straight, mid-thigh and the blazer was synched at my waist, showing off my hourglass figure. I hung my tie around the back of my neck, mainly because I don't know how to tie it. I got the black backpack out of the other bag and filled it with the supplies that Juliet had previously bought up.

After I had finished getting completely ready, I grabbed my phone and the backpack by the top strap and walked out of the room. Leaving my bag by the door as I walked to the kitchen. It felt beyond expired here, so dead. Everyone looked worn out and tired, mainly because it was 7 in the morning.

'Who got you that uniform?' Gio groaned as he saw me, letting his head fall back on the table as everyone else looked in my direction. I admit, I did look slightly out of place with an undone tie hanging around my neck but it wasn't a big deal.

'Absolutely not.' Romeo immediately stood up and grabbed my arm, before I quickly yanked it out of his tight grip. He turned around looking admittedly terrifying with his displeased expression. 'You are not walking into school like that.'

'What's the problem?' Rocco walked in sensing the tension, he was oblivious until he looked over to me, his jaw clenched, and he shook his head. 'Oh, I see the problem.'

'Do you mind telling me the problem?' I retorted, refraining myself from rolling my eyes.

'Your skirt.' Dante pointed out, not even looking in my direction. All of his attention was on the neatly folded breakfast burrito in front of him.

'What about it?' My eyes were now narrowed.

'Do you really need us to spell it out for you?' Lorenzo looked to me as if I was dumb, his arms outstretched.

'Yes, because I don't see the issue.' I said.

'What is happening?' Luca came in.

'Look at her uniform.' Lorenzo blurted as if it was the biggest issue in the world.

'That is not the one Vincent requested.' He tilted his head at me.

'Exactly.' Xavier reasoned. 'Her legs are all out.' I rolled my eyes at his stupid comment and reached over to grab an apple.

'My legs are covered.' I replied, looking down at the black tights that were indeed covering my bare legs.

'They're on display, for everyone to look at.' Lorenzo tried to reason. I sat down on the barstool next to Gio and sighed just as the three eldest walked in. Rico was on Armani's hip, fast asleep in his uniform. He was placed on the chair, jolting awake. I sniggered as I saw his confused face.

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