72. Investing?

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'Alessa, you'll come in the car with me, everyone else, please get inside the cars as quickly as possible, we precipitously must arrive at the estate.' Vince ordered, nodding to the pilot who was graciously standing at the top of the stairs, leading to the Rossi private plane. His neatly pleated hat was held in both of his hands by his upper waist.

He watched us all enter the cars the same way he did last time, and once he knew that we had safely left the runway, he walked back into the aircraft. Vince drove the sleek, black car we were in, unlike all the others who had chauffeurs escorting them.

I didn't speak to Vince for the first five minutes of the journey, I was simply taking in all the wonders of Italy, the beautiful cobbled paving, tiny side cafes right next to grand restaurants (artfully reminding me of what I needed to talk to my brother about), and many adoring glances sent our way when locals and tourists saw the collection of classy cars drive past.

I turned away from the window when we were on a relatively plainly filled road, and decided to speak with my brother about recent happenings. I began with what shocked me the most; Juliet.

'Did you know about Juliet?' I asked, my voice not being as loud as I had hoped.

'I had my speculations; I was never certain.' He replied coldly.

'Do you know where she is now?'

'Yes.' Was all he said in response, eyes narrowing as he stared unkindly onto the road.

'When you say you had your speculations, what did you mean by that?' I asked again, hoping for an answer, a little less vague.

He sighed jadedly. 'I mean that our relationship has never been normal, everyone knows and notices it. She was benevolent, but sometimes too much so, to the point it seemed unnatural. She left the house, and came without notice, and when she mentioned that she was going to see her brother, it was Armani who checked her family history, seeing that she in fact had no brother.'

'Did you not ever wonder why she had met most of your family, but you had never once met hers? I mean, didn't you know each other as kids?' I questioned.

'Who told you we knew each other as children?'

'She did, when she mentioned that she was one of the first people to hold me after family when I was born.' I said, looking to Vince, noticing that this was probably the first time he was hearing of this. 'She said that she had known me for so long, that's why I could have spoken to her about anything.'

'And what did you say?'

'Nothing about any of you, or the family. I mainly spoke to her about my issues, but then again, that was rare. It was only really the first time we got to know each other, when she looked over my injuries, and when we went to her office, where Marcus was shot.' I explained, making sure to let him know he didn't have to worry about our relatives who were hiding away in Italy. 'How did you both get to this position if you didn't know each other when you were younger?'

Vince didn't even have to think before giving me an answer. 'It will be told when you are older.'

'I expected that answer.' I mumbled, slumping in my seat. 'Well, I hope that you aren't too upset about this whole thing, not to stick my nose where it shouldn't be, but I never saw you both courting in the way that Michele and Maria were. To be honest, I always saw you as a hopeless realist rather than a romantic, it didn't even seem like you wanted to be in a relationship.' I shrugged, maybe getting a little too comfortable because I was sent a look.

'All you should know, is that Juliet shall bring no more harm to this family, she's being taken care of.'

'Are you going to kill her?'

He took his eyes quickly off the road, and was thrown into disarray. 'Alessa, why would you think such a thing?'

'Is that... a serious question?' I nearly laughed.

His focus was back on the road, but he still mustered the strength to shake his head in a disapproving manner. 'We are not talking about this any longer.'

This now could be my time to ask him about a new job. What a better way to diffuse a stressful situation, by adding more stress that is not relevant in the slightest way.

'Um, Vince, I maybe need to ask you something.' He hummed in response. 'But you can't look at me the entire time, because I'll get scared and faint.' I said, giving me more courage.

'What is it?'

'I want to get a job after I take my final exam. Izzy already told me that she could get me a placement in the high-end restaurant she works at. I have the experience, and it'll be a good way to spend my free time.' I said, all very quickly. 'What do you think?' I asked.

'It's not a good idea, my answer is no.' He responded, without giving enough time to even consider the question. I blinked, in partial shock.

'I don't think you understood me.' I scoffed.

'I understood copiously, my answer stands as it was said.' He responded distantly. 'You're a young girl, there is no place for you to work at the moment.'

'Need I remind you that I have been working since I was an even younger girl. You know this, I've told you before. It will be after I have finished my education, so you won't have to fuss about any of that distraction, and...' I couldn't complete my sentence.

'Alessa, you have to know...' I looked at my brother in disbelief, but, this time, I was the one interrupting him.

'I wasn't finished speaking.' I expressed sourly, causing him to tilt his head, however, I didn't let him get a word in before I carried on. 'I would have finished my education, and there won't have much to do, I will be on a reliable income, and I'll be with my friends, There is security at the place, and without a doubt, the men you have following me around will probably be stationed in the area. I have come to accept your terms with little complaint, can you please just think about this one thing. I'll be a lot happier, and we'll be on better terms after what happened with Milan.' I mentioned.

'I thought we already sorted that out.'

'No, I just wanted the doughnut. Anyway, can you think it over, I really need something to do with my life.'

Vince stayed silent momentarily, then spoke up, saying something I never would have expected to hear from him. 'I'm assuming you spoke to Armani about this.' He said, I nodded with hesitancy. 'He must have told you that I would've considered buying the corporation, so you'd be under our constant supervision.'

'That's exactly what he said. It's scary that you know.' I froze in shock, did I have a listening device on me?

'Now, I wouldn't mind investing, but having you work outside of the house is a risk, one I'm not completely interested in taking. If you are desperate to do something, I can find a suitable job for you, working for us, under the same roof.' He suggested, making my eyes grow wide. 'That's my offer. Take until tomorrow morning to think it over, if you find that you still want to do what you previously mentioned, the waitressing, I will consider it. That does not mean a definite yes, but you have convinced me otherwise.'

A smile took over my face as he said this, just as we pulled up to the large gate, leading to the driveway of the large Italian villa. I was unsure about what I should do, but that wasn't my greatest concern. That would be seeing the three men I hadn't seen for a long time. It also meant I would be meeting with my father, speaking with him, for the first time since I called him papa. How awkward it feels, driving through these roads, knowing that facing them will cause much discomfort.

Sorry this one is so short, it is my birthday today, and It was not my initial plan to update, but I figured since I have been silent for so long, I may as well give a little something. Please leave any suggestions, stay safe <3

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