30. Hitwoman

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The car was big enough for all of us to sit comfortably. Rocco and Luca sat at the front, and the others sat at the back. The seats were similar to the seats in the limousine, there were two rows, each facing each other. I bought my forehead to my knees, attempting to fall asleep but someone's hand landed on my back.

'Don't fall asleep just yet.' My mind was fogged, and I couldn't make out who's voice it was.

'I'm going to fall asleep.' I muttered into my legs. Someone lifted both sides of my arms so that I was sat upright. I sighed and bought my feet up and snuggled deeper into Vince's coat. 'Can I keep the coat?' I asked blindly as I started to drift away.

'How much longer. I wanna sleep.' I heard Gio's voice complain.

'Not long.' I heard someone mutter. 'Is Rico with Juliet?'

'Yes, they are safe.' 

'Can we stop and get doughnuts?' I asked. What the hell was I doing? 

'You want doughnuts?' Armani asked from beside me. I tiredly nodded and leaned back into his arm. 'Dic ad Fernandum prohibere circa anguli. Est cenaculo ubi solitudinem.' He told Luca in Latin, I wish I could understand them. (Tell Fernando to stop around the corner, there is a desert parlour there)

'What flavour do you want?' Luca sked as he turned from the front. I found it so cool how 3 people could sit at the front, two passengers and private booth for the driver.

'The one with the chocolate, but not the jam because jam is yuck. The one with chocolate on top and custard in the middle.' I tried to explain as I yawned against Armani's shoulder, he bought his arm around me and pulled me closer.

'You haven't changed.' I heard him say, squeezing me a little tighter.

Everyone else set their orders as Fernando spoke through the window. I couldn't see what the driver looked like, but his voice carried a strong accent. I shut my eyes and started to drift away again, but the smell of sugary treats woke me up. I grinned like a child at the sight of my doughnut, unlike everyone else who got a plan, glazed one. I happily thanked Luca and melted in my seat as I took my first bite.

'Questo è paradisiaco.' I hummed. (This is heavenly)

'Non è' Gio agreed as he dug into his. (Isn't it)

'Good idea.' Xavier nodded. 

It wasn't long until we arrived at the familiar building. I figured that there were two important buildings linked to my brothers businesses, the one that we had come to today, and the one that Vince bought me to for my appointment with Juliet. We walked past the basement room; I remember the last time that we came here, 100's of men were training and fighting- it was empty today. 

The thick steel door slid open again and we all walked into the airy office room. I looked to the tinted windows, even through them I could tell that it was pitch black.

'We need to handle some things, you guys find a place to sleep.' Armani said as they all advanced towards the other door in the corner. 'Do not leave this room.' He added seriously. Romeo, Xavier and Rocco were all staying in the room with us, so I doubt that we could even get out. Lorenzo fell onto the long sofa, instantly shutting his eyes and falling asleep, his tired twin took the one opposite. Rocco took the fancy, chair behind the large desk next to the window, Gio took the seat in front of the desk, putting his head on the wood. The other two took the two armchairs in the corner, also beside the huge windows. I sat on the fluffy rug, lying flat on my stomach, taking Vince's coat off and putting it over my body like a blanket instead. Something about sleeping on the floor is so satisfying, so comfortable.

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