43. Wise Words

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I was paralyzed, a similar feeling washed over me. An odd sense of nostalgia which was once felt when I was sitting in the small central café with Romeo and Rocco. This time, there was no physical gun pointed to me, holding me to one spot.

I exhaled once and sucked in a deep breath which I would hold for a significant number of seconds. I always knew that smoking was the worst thing to get into, but I convinced myself that I wouldn't fall to it when I was in a tough situation. I clearly need to improve when persuading.

If I wasn't feeling so sorry for myself, I would be running around the room like a mad person, trying to cover up any possible traces that I had ever smoked a cigarette. 

Today, I felt sensible enough to understand that I had already been caught, and there was no point in trying to hide the evidence because hiding something from Vince is near impossible. I didn't put out the cigarette, nor did I step away from the wall; I stayed put and waited patiently.

My thumb found the corner of my eye, as I rubbed it just in time for the French doors to open. I didn't turn back, I knew he was there, I just continued to stare out into the ocean.

The sun wasn't setting any faster which made me feel as though I was stuck in time, the everlasting silence wasn't much help in disproving the stupid thought. I let out the long breath and finally turned around.

Just as I had expected, Vincent standing there, scarily calm and perfectly groomed as always. Quickly, his eyes darted to my arms which were by my side, and he found the cigarette in my dominant hand. His dark eyes met mine again, and then he looked to the side, almost as if he couldn't look at me anymore.

He advanced, held out his hand and stared me down. I briefly closed my eyes and handed him the barely lit toxic stick, he took it in between his index finger and thumb and examined the burnt out tip. He turned and walked back into the room, I followed after him, curious to see what was going to happen.

He picked up the backpack from the bed and pulled out the almost empty pack with one swift movement. I was worried that he would find my alcohol flasks, but he didn't even bother looking. 'The lighter.' He spoke for the first time.

'I don't have a lighter.' I naively answered.

'You are not in a good position to be lying at this moment. Give me the lighter.' He urged, I could see that he was growing impatient with me, so I took the cheap, green lighter from my pocket and handed it to him. Without giving me a second look, he pocketed the lighter, cigarette pack and turned.

Just when I thought he was going to leave, he looked to me over his shoulder. 'If I ever find out that you have been smoking, drinking, or anything of the sort again, your punishment would be unspeakable. Do I make myself clear?' He said venomously.

'Yes.' I muttered.

'As for this.' He held up the one that I had just been using, it had now extinguished itself and looked pathetic in his hand. 'You will not be going out for 2 months when we return to New York. If you need to study, you will do it in your bedroom. If you need to exercise, you will find the appropriate facilities on the property. School is an exception, but you will be watched. Take this as a lesson, because next time, I won't be so nice if you choose to disobey me.' With those final words, he left the room and closed the door behind him.

I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands. What was I supposed to do now, my reliant source of tranquillity had just become unavailable, I was on a bad side of my guardian and I still needed to speak with the stranger men who weren't much of strangers anymore.

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