59. Rossi Enterprise Holdings

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'What is your purpose?' Now the question the guard just asked me could be misconstrued, this could be a hard question to answer if you dug deep enough. What is my purpose in life, or what is my purpose of being here. I knew that he asked with the intention of receiving an answer to the latter; sometimes my mind can overcalculate the simple things. I always expect more than what is shown in the first hand. Just like a game of poker.

I looked up to the letters above the entrance, reminding myself of who I was trying to see. Rossi Enterprise Holdings. 

'I'm here to see Vincent Rossi.' I spoke quietly, feeling as though my head was going to burst. Although my injuries weren't as bad as the ones I got from the Russians, I hadn't been hurt like this in so long, I forgot I wasn't immune. 

'He has no time.' The guard that spoke to me throughout kept his eyes on me, his partner on the other side continued to look forward. In situations such as this, it is best to lie.

'I have an appointment.' I shrunk slightly, if they found out I was lying, how would I ever even enter the building.

'Your name please?'

'Alessa. Alessa Rossi.' I hesitated when speaking on my surname, mostly because I didn't think they would believe me. I was right.

'Bullshit. What are you? His daughter, his cousin, his niece?' His face twisted as his eyebrow lifted in question.

'Sister.' I mumbled. 'Please, I really need to see him. Can't you see, I'm hurt.' I was practically distressed now.

'Stay here a minute longer, you will definitely need to find a hospital.' He seethed threateningly, pushing the shoulder of my injured arm back.

I stepped back, defeated and annoyed. That was until a woman came up to the guard I was talking to, and simply asked for directions, seeing him distracted, I found my chance.

For the millionth time that day, I ran. Through the rotating doors, and into the lobby. I didn't stop to look around and familiarise myself with the place, because this time, I knew a scary guy was following me. Thank goodness I wasn't dripping blood, I wouldn't want to ruin the lovely white tiled floors. Never mind that, I wouldn't want to slip on my own loss.

I was horrifically panting as I turned a corner, still on the white tiles, I saw a sign that looked like it could be my saviour. However, in recent past events, it was quite the opposite. The ladies toilets.

Regardless, I headed for them, opened the door and shut it immediately. I found the lock for it, and shut it with my shaky hands. I panted with my head on the door for a moment, never had I been this tired from running a short distance.

Someone cleared their throat from behind me. Shit. I forgot other people actually used the toilets for it's facilities. I turned with dread as I looked behind me, a middle aged woman with an up-do as extravagant as Audrey Hepburn's was staring at me.

'I'm so sorry, but there is a man chasing me outside.' I spoke hurriedly, as if I had no time to say what I needed to say.

'Did he do this to you?' She straightened out, and leant on the marble sinks.

'No, but he threatened to put me in the hospital.' 

'I'm not sure I can blame him, you cannot turn up to a place like this, looking how you do.' She seemed nasty, but when she saw tears come to my eyes as I felt there was no hope, she sighed and loosened her posture slightly. 'Who did this to you?'

'A guy in my school.' My eyes glossed over, partial tears, partial hope. 'My brothers went against his father, and now he is bankrupt.'

'So you faced the consequences?' She didn't look like she completely believed me. I nodded and she spoke again, impatiently. 'I see. Who are you here to visit?'

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