24. Underworld

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It was cold wherever I was. Definitely not in my room, the mattress that I lying on was lumpy and hard, maybe I was back in London. I was lying on my back, like a mummified Egyptian, my legs were straight and my hands were resting over one another on my stomach. I couldn't open my eyes. It's like there was a plausible force, gluing my eyelids shut. 

I wanted to see where I was.

I heard a rapid beeping from next to me, making me internally cringe. It was repetitive and annoying. I groaned uncomfortably as I turned on my side, suddenly finding ownership over my body again.

'She's awake.' I heard a male voice speak up.

I finally found the strength to slowly opened my eyes, squinting in attempt to sharpen the blurred images before me. I glanced around and took in the deserted, blue and white colour schemed hospital bedroom in front of me. How long have I been here? I shut my eyes, trying to remember what had exactly happened. Then it all hits me with a bang. The memory of it all starts to occupy my thoughts.

Juliet, Marcus, psychotic man with the gun.

Who bought me here?

The stark smell of bleach was overwhelming. I scrunched my eyes at the bright light that was sipping through my closed eyelids. I felt powerless and heavy. I could not move my hand or my head. I was having an internal battle with myself, should I open my eyes or not, should I go back to sleep on this uncomfortable bed. 

I finally decided to fully open my eyes, but instantly regretted it when the beams of a bulb directly above the bed fed into my eyes. I slapped one hand over my face, trying to block out any more of that unpleasant brightness.

'Let me help you.' I felt someone's hand slide under my back and prompt me up to sit straight. I leant against the metal railings of the hospital bed, each landscape pole, digging into my back. I shook my head and blinked my eyes harshly, trying to get a grasp of who was in the room.

I made out Armani's face, he was the one who helped me up. Romeo was sitting next to Xavier and Gio on the light blue sofa in the corner, by the window, where the sun was coming in.

'Good morning, afternoon, evening. Whatever time it is.' I waved my hand round lazily as I spoke through my inflamed throat.

'Afternoon.' I heard Lorenzo's voice, he was on the other side of my bed. How big was this room?

'Right.' I nodded, and grabbed a water bottle from the side. Gulping down the whole thing which soothed the dryness away, blessing me with some hydration. I scrunched the plastic bottle in between my hand and threw it into the bin on the other side. 

'Hole in one.' I cheered. Which made the others laugh, uplifting the mood.

'How are you feeling?' I saw Luca ask, as he sat down on the armchair, beside the bed.

'Fine.' I shrugged, looking down to my arms. My left one was wrapped in a bandage. 'Why do I have a bandage?'

'You got stabbed.' Dante said.

'That's pretty cool.' I laughed. 

'Is she on medication?' Dante looked to Armani who looked to me with an amused expression.

'Yes, they gave her anesthesia. A disinhibition; temporary loss of inhibitions caused by an outside stimuli.' I saw Vincent come into the room as he said this.

'When did you get smart?' I sarcastically asked him. 

'Don't get cheeky.' Luca lightly pinched my side.

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