31. Love Bitten

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Gio was already late. I was waiting in the canteen, impatiently hitting my phone against the palm of my hand. It was just after first period and I was now officially late for the second one. He texted me saying that I needed to meet him in the cafeteria immediately. He's already five minutes late; not so immediate.

He was certainly taking his sweet time.

'Hey.' He sauntered in as if he hasn't just kept me waiting, looking chilled as ever.

'Don't hey me, you can't text me, making me think it is urgent, then make me anxiously wait for five minutes.' 

'My fault, I was... occupied in the halls.' He put a hand to the back of his neck in a cumbersome way, I moved my hand around telling him that I wanted expansion on that vague point. He cleared his throat 'There was this hot girl-' I put my hand up and stopped him as I got the memo.

'Why am I even here?' I finally asked as he walked over to the venders and shoved a dollar through.

'Just came to warn you. Stay away from Liam, he's back. Also Marcus is coming in to do his monthly checks on the school.' He briefed collecting the energy drink that had just come through.

'Why is Marcus coming?' 

'As you know, he works closely with our family. He is manager of all things charitable- including government funds, some of the assets are given to this school. He just comes to make sure that they are using the money appropriately. Also, he checks up on me during classes, I reckon he will do the same thing with you.' He said as he gave me the half empty energy drink.

'Great, another one to worry about.'

'Just don't do anything stupid, then you have nothing to worry about.' He winked as we both made our way to our 2nd period. Gio shamelessly walked inside the classroom, not knocking or anything; as we walked in I sent the teacher an apologetic smile, as to which she nodded in return. I took the seat in between Romeo- who was talking to his friends, and Izzy- who was busily typing on her phone. That was until I sat next to her and made myself known.

'Look at this.' She immediately squealed, shoving her bright phone screen in my face. I peered around the side looking at her questioningly before I focused on the display. An open text message conversation between her and Julian. 'He asked me to go out with him on Sunday.' She took the phone out of my hands, not even giving me a chance to read beyond the first sentence.

'Finally.' I muttered.

'Wait, you knew about this?' She was quickly silenced by the teacher who shushed us both. 'You knew about this?' She whispered, turning back to me, looking all but pleased.

'Of course.' I meaninglessly shrugged.

'And you didn't tell me?'

'I'm not just going to ruin his surprise.' I sighed, looking to her as if she was an idiot.

'Girls, can you stop talking.' She gritted, openly frustrated and staring at us intently.

'I think she needs to take a piece out of my grandmas book, Mrs bothersome over here is very impatient.' Izzy groaned quietly, and rolled her eyes which seemed to regain the teachers attention.

'Miss Fugini, I will be calling your Father if you continue with this behaviour.' Mrs bothersome threatened. 

Wrong move to involve her Father.

'My Father left me.' Izzy sassed back, guilt tripping her.

'Well I will call your Mother then.' She responded having no sympathy.

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