71. Freedom?

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Armani practically made me sit in the seat next to him when we boarded the plane. He enclosed me by the window side, on a row of 2, with a table in front. I didn't even see where everyone else was sat, I just did my seatbelt and rested my head against the window. Closing my eyes without protest. If I could manage to fall sleep before we took off, considering that it was late at night, I wouldn't be bothered for the majority of the flight.

That plan was quickly ruined.

'So, tell me what happened today.' He paused. 'And yesterday.'

My eyes widened against the window, he could only see the side of my face, but I'm guessing he noticed my reaction from the way my body uncomfortable shifted.

'What do you mean yesterday.'

'I mean yesterday. When I told you that some of us would be leaving to go on a short business trip. I left Rocco in charge, and he found you with your friend at a shop, refusing to show what was in your bag.'

'Oh yeah, why did you go to Italy for only one night?' I changed the topic, also genuinely curious about his answer.

'We didn't end up going, that's why were going now. Now answer my question.'

'Izzy needed to get some things, and she asked me to come with her. She just didn't want to go alone.' I explained like an idiot.

'Hm, why did you take the bag after she left then?'

'I don't have an answer to that question.' I whispered, sliding my phone out of my pocket. Turning it on, and clicking on the music app. I also retrieved my earphones and plugged them into the power socket. Armani watched what I was doing with a patient expression. He was wanting to talk to me for a while, and now that I know where we're flying to, I also know that I'll be sat next to him, without escape for the rest of the night.

'Listen Alessa, if we talk about this now, you won't have to anticipate my next question. You are unable to get out of this situation, so I recommend you talk to me whilst I'm being patient. I'll involve Vincent, if necessary, he was also told of this predicament.'

'No wait, I'll tell you, just don't tell him.'

'I can't promise that Alessa, he is your guardian.'

'Armani, it was nothing illegal, I was just embarrassed.' I cut him off before he could get any ideas. Although, I'm thinking that since the woman removed the payments from my card, I should have bought a pack of cigarettes since my other ones were confiscated. I can live without them, but it would make me feel a bit better if I knew that I had them on standby if everything suddenly became too overwhelming. Through living here, I have come to recognize that happens quite often.

'Neonata, you know you can talk to us about anything. We will buy everything you need.' He spoke softly.

'Don't tell anyone. I just needed to get some stuff, for my... uh, thing.'

No kind of realisation passed over my brother's face, he must have already suspected something like that. He stopped asking daunting questions after that but didn't stop talking completely.

'You shouldn't be embarrassed, it's a normal thing.'

I groaned with mortification. 'No, we're not talking about this.' I hid my head in my hands and tried to focus on the music that was quietly playing in my ears. Before I could rest for even a minute, one of my earphones were taken out of my ear, I opened one eye, annoyed that I had yet again been disturbed, and saw my brother looking to me, a ghost of a smirk lingering on his face.

'Go away man.' I pushed him further away and heard an amused snort as I tried to get comfortable again. What a brilliant time to piss me off.

I woke up several hours later, looking out to see the slightest bit of light emerging in the sky, it wasn't fully sunrise yet, I had no idea where we were even flying over. Armani was on his laptop, I hadn't seen anyone else during the flight, so I decided to stretch my legs and walk around.

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