58. World War Three

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I stood next to the bench Izzy and Leo were sat on, Angelo and I shared a raisin bread sandwich as we all continued to burn our eyes into the skull of Julian. Through the window of course, he was inside the canteen, we were near the freshly trimmed grass.

Untrustworthy, I never would have imagined him to be like this. The moment I met him, he was nothing short of a gentleman, and he treated me as though I was his own sister. He dodged the drama, and lived through the moments he shared with Izzy. But now, he chose popularity over something truly meaningful,  including his relationship with Izzy, and his friendship with us.

Here, he did this here in the school, where the students know he has a girlfriend that he was supposedly committed to, it's a stupid move from him.

Leo had his arm around Izzy's shoulder as she watched with disbelief and partial rage; seeing him allow the blonde girl to seductively run her manicured fingers up and down his arm, then lean over him in the same way the flight attendant did with my father, to whisper in his ear. You could practically smell his desperation, although he may have not seen Izzy for a few weeks, does not give him the right to act out like this.

Gabriel and Gio weren't around, of course they weren't, Julian wouldn't perform such vulgar behaviour in front of them.

'Are you going to confront him about this, or are we?' Angelo threw the crusts of his sandwich into a nearby bin, dusted the crumbs off his hands, and turned ready for an answer. When no response was received, he took it upon himself to make that decision and move forward, towards the school building which wasn't far away. His determined stride made him look menacing from the back.

It was obvious that Julian wasn't as good a fighter as Angelo was, it was also clear that the latter was also significantly more muscular. 

Leo looked to me, silently asking if I could take his place quickly so that he could catch up. I gladly took the honour of controlling an angry Izzy, it wasn't fun, but totally necessary.

If she had seen this without our company, Julian would no longer have functioning limbs. I assumed she was fuelling herself up, readying herself for when she actually has to deal with confrontation, there is no other feasible explanation as to why she is so quiet. But then, she uttered something I was not expecting.

'I gave myself to him.' I looked down to the ground as she whispered this with sorrow, then I looked to the side of her devastated face with sympathy. As much as she doesn't deserve this, experiencing and learning at a young age is the only way she can ensure immunity to this. 

When the blonde girl walked away, swaying her hips as she did so, the last person I expected to see around Julian approached him and nodded as a sign of congratulations. Never would I have thought to see Liam at the scene, never mind congratulating him for being unfaithful to his girlfriend. I even told him about Liam's predatory ways, and still, he decides that this is ok.

Liam is taller than Julian, but the same height as my friends. When the first move is made, there isn't a doubt that all of Liam's older, more aggressive friends will involve themselves.

Suddenly, this 'handling' situation has turned into a bad decision. Angelo and Leo don't have much of an idea on the kind of trouble they are soon to walk in on.

Izzy and I stood at the same time and without confirming with one another, we walked in the direction of the school building. My brothers didn't even have the same lunch period as us, making my call for help unavailable. We rushed to the canteen, despite being without an idea.

It was good that Izzy knew what she came here for, because the minute her eyes landed on Julian, who looked short compared to Angelo, she told me to stay where I was and walked in the direction of him.

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