73. Locked?

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Just like the first time I was here, Manuel was standing in front of the open, large doors with his arms crossed, a silk shirt ruffling loosely against the warm breeze. I saw his lip lift a little when Vince and I exited the car simultaneously, following on after everyone else who were heading towards the stairs leading to the door.

Apparently, our bags were already in our rooms, no surprise there, and a lovely breakfast buffet was set up in the main dining hall. I felt overwhelmed already with this information Gio was telling me, and I wasn't even inside of the house yet. Uncle Sergio was also at the door, with Rico in his arms.

I hadn't seen him in such a long time, I was starting to grow more curious as to where he might have gone, all I knew was that he was safe, because nobody was panicked about his whereabouts. He wiggled out of his fathers hold when he saw me coming towards them, and leaped onto my leg.

'Oh, hello again.' I smiled and patted the top of his head. He looked up with those dazzling eyes, grinned and gripped my leg tighter.

'I missed you all!' He screamed at the top of his lungs, causing me to stagger back a little. I widened my eyes and looked over to my uncle to see him also grinning, with the same smile he shared with his youngest son.

'I missed you too.' I responded with adoration interlacing my tone. He let go of me, and ran to his eldest brother, who was already at the top of the stairs, greeting our grandfather.

It was unclear of what I should do when I arrived by the door, so I did what I only saw fit. I nodded formally to both family members, and walked inside without a word.

The fresh smell of cucumbers and a warm mist filled my craving nostrils. The entire world felt so much warmer, except London, because I had a feeling it would be raining over there. The change of climate and scenery was refreshing, a wonderful environment to continue my revision in. I was standing like a lost puppy in the middle of the open foyer, trying to remember the correct way to the kitchen. So many paths branching off from this area, my mind went completely blank.

Everyone that wasn't outside had already made their own way into the kitchen, they couldn't even leave me footprints to guide me, because of their perfectly polished shoes.

I looked behind me to the open door, seeing the backs of some of my relatives, and Rico bouncing up and down with excitement, his hand in Michele's. I wasn't going to ask any of them for directions, I just had to guess.

I went for the fourth corridor entrance along, which took me into an unfamiliar looking hallway. Old paintings encompassed the dark walls, this area was so unlike the rest of the beautiful house, it reminded me of that time I mistakenly walked down to the horrible basement, seeing those two men get tortured.

Still, something was telling me to go on further. I had that same feeling in my stomach that something similar would be encountered here; surely they wouldn't handle any sort of business in this house, safeguarding issues of course.

At the end of the corridor, there was incredible mammoth sized double doors, made completely out of wood. I looked back, getting nervous that somebody was following me, and sighed a breath of reprise when I saw emptiness. I had already walked so far, I could hardly see the light that was coming from the main foyer, only ersatz candles dimly lit the way.

I put one ear to the door, hearing nothing but a natural, hollow whistle. It sounded like there would be nothing much behind there, maybe a deep hole, or a sizeable, barren room. I looked back once again, to make sure nobody was following me, and shrugged my shoulders as I placed my hand on the doorknob.

Locked. I don't know why I was expecting it not to be. This house is much more secure than any other, considering the entire reason that this family has so many enemies is because of the disappearance of the three stranger men. Without a doubt, other factors involved, but everyone seems to want to know where they all are, it's why their house must be so secluded.

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