10. Mystery Boy

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I wanted to go on a run, it was just turning 7am, but I was wide awake. I barely slept last night because I revealed too much yesterday, I could not stop thinking about what their reactions would have been like. Vincent is always so undisturbed, even with information that would normally trigger a panic attack, Armani seems to have more of a reaction towards things, but he keeps it subtle. I basically told them that I was living alone for 6 years, how stupid could I be. I really did not want to face them this morning, so I decided to get a quick breakfast and go on a run by myself.

I quietly opened the door and peered outside to investigate the hallway, it was dark and empty just like I had hoped. I made my way downstairs, tiptoeing when necessary, and got into the kitchen. What I was not expecting was to see the person I did not want to see this morning with a crisp black suit on with his back facing me, focusing on the coffee machine in front of him. I had been silent up to this point, I was almost positive that he had not heard me, all that I needed to do now was grab a banana from the fruit bowl and slyly exit the kitchen. I ducked down behind the counter and looked over to make sure that his back was still turned, I then crawled to the next counter where the fruit bowl was located, I slowly stood up and grabbed a banana before quickly hiding again. I was sitting on the floor with my back against the island and began to plan my escape. I estimated that it would take 10 seconds to run to the other end since it was a large kitchen but that would make too much noise. I then wondered if I could just walk out since his back is still turned but thought past it when I realized that it would be too risky. I slid the banana across the floor and it landed exactly where I needed it to be.

'Alessa.' A deep voice pronounced. 'Get off the floor.' I didn't make an effort to move which seemed to displease him, I could almost hear the frown in his next words.

'I will not ask again.' He said, this time more strictly. I hesitantly rose from my safe spot and faced my eldest brother.

'Hey bro.' I said waving to him in a friendly manner.

'Why were you crawling on the floor?' He asked.

'That's a funny story actually, I wanted to become a spy and I figured that this was the morning to put my skills to test.' I awkwardly chuckled. It was possibly the worst story anyone could come up with.

'I heard you come into the kitchen.' He pointed out turning back around. Unbothered.

'I guess I need to work on my sneakiness.' I timidly told him as I walked away quickly towards the exit, picking up my banana on the way. Making my way to the front door, I came to a stop when I noticed that I didn't have my phone or earphones with me. I went up and got them from my nightstand, when I was about to leave the room, I noticed that the same ladder was peering over the balcony which was not there when I woke up this morning. I thought nothing of it since he may have needed to tend to the flowers yet again, but I made sure that the balcony door was locked just in case.

I had been running for about 30 minutes when I realized that I had gone off track, I took my headphones out and looked around trying to familiarize myself with my surroundings. I was lost. It would be better if I started walking around trying to find my bearings instead of standing there hopelessly. I soon came across a range of extremally tall bushes, I studied the appealing greenery before I noticed that one of the bushes had been disturbed since there was a faint hole in the middle, a big enough hole for a person to fit through. I once again allowed my curiosity to take over and climbed through the hole, despite the struggle. I shoved my hands through to open some more room for me to climb through and I soon felt no more leaves, good to know that it wasn't all bush. I jumped onto the ground and brushed myself off before I looked up to see where I landed. My eyes went wide at the sight in front of me, a lake, the most beautiful scenery ahead, the grass land behind the water was bright green and was decorated with healthy, colourful flowers. Just ahead of that was a wooden swing that could easily fit two people, to get over the water to arrive at the lovely garden was a wooden bridge. It looked secure enough, but before I could step on it, I heard a loud voice.

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