26. Beauty Held Within

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I shot up from my bed as I heard yelling from down the halls. I looked down to see Rico still in a brine dormancy, I slid out of the covers and opened the door. All of the outside lights were turned on and the doors were wide open.

The yells that I heard were not showing fear, they were shouting out orders.

'Search the entire house!'

'Check the cameras!'

'Where is Alessa?!'

I rushed around the corner and saw most of my brothers stood outside Rico's bedroom door. Michele was on a phone call, giving threatening orders to the poor person on the receiving end.

'What are you doing?' I tiredly spoke. I saw Romeo turn to me, his eyes filled with brief relief as he and Vince both approached me.

'Nothing, go back to sleep.' Romeo tried to take me back to my room, but I pushed past him and looked into Rico's empty room.

'What's the problem.' I raised an eyebrow.

'Do you not see his empty bed?' Lorenzo pointed out his hand.

'Yes, I do, what about it?'

'Rico's gone.' Armani seriously announced.

'No, he's not.' I yawned covering my hand with my mouth. 'He asked to sleep with me, he's in my room.' I turned and walked back. I heard multiple footsteps follow me as I entered room and pointed to the tiny sleeping figure on the bed. I heard multiple sighs from behind me.

'You could have told us.' Xavier muttered.

'I did, I could have let you run around like headless chickens, but I'm not that mean.' I smiled.

'Why is he in here?' Lorenzo asked, double checking my room once more.

'He said something about monsters. I don't know.' I shrugged as I moved towards the bed. 'You should all go back to sleep, it's almost 4 in the morning.' I checked my phone. They all walked off in different directions, Vince closed my bedroom door and closed the outside lights.

I lay on my back, looking up at the chandelier that was hanging over my bed. I wasn't tired anymore; I couldn't sleep so I got out of bed and made my side. I made sure that the balcony doors were locked, and all the windows were closed before I exited my room once again.

I had school today, but I didn't need to get ready just yet. I made my way into the empty dark kitchen and flicked on the switch.

'What are you doing awake so early?' I heard a smooth voice from behind me. I turned to see Chiara with a wash basket in her hands.

'I just couldn't sleep; I was planning on making some tea.' I smiled as I saw her set down the basket.

'Let me do that for you.' She quickly offered and dismissed any objections that I had.

I sat down at the table and watched as she set a steaming hot mug in front of me, the rich smell of chamomile already intoxicating my nose. I inhaled the comfort and beckoned for Chiara to sit down with me.

'Oh my dear, I cannot do that.' She said when I told her to sit down.

'Why not?'

'It's not my place.' She smiled and looked down to me.

'Please.' She looked hesitant at first but took the chair opposite to me, I stood up and got some cookies, I placed them on the table in the middle of both of us.

'Why did you come in so early?' I asked.

'I don't normally, I was just coming in early to meet Pablo.' She showed a cheeky grin.

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