11. Quite Charming

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I waited by the front door with my leg crossed over the other leaning against the wall on my phone. I heard some footsteps coming from around the staircase near the large centrepiece and I looked up to see who had graced me with their presence. Vincent and Michele walked around the corner, looking menacing without even trying. They acknowledged my presence by walking in my direction, I uncrossed my legs and pushed myself off the wall.

'So you can dress up.' Michele affirmed. 'But, you will need a coat, it's cold tonight.'

'I have one.' I said lifting my arm up to show them. Michele just nodded and I looked at what they were wearing. They were both wearing black suits, Vince's with a navy tie and Michele's with a maroon one. 

'How is your hair so perfect?' I asked them both. 'Is it the styling gel or is it the fact that your hair also respects you guys enough that it does whatever you want it to do?' I genuinely asked them. I heard a deep chuckle come from Michele and a small smile flicker onto Vincent's lips before it disappeared as we heard more footsteps emerging. The other older three came in also wearing suits with their hair also perfectly styled. They came and stood with us, but it felt more like they were trapping me since they were all so much taller.

'Why couldn't I be a guy.' I sighed as I looked up to them all. I saw all of their eyebrows raise at my statement but I stood by it.

'What?' Luca asked me.

'I'm the only girl living in a house with eleven guys, why couldn't I be born a guy?' I repeated explaining myself.

'You want to become male?' He sarcastically asked me.

'Oh god no, well maybe, wait never mind no, actually yes, no not in that way. Wait maybe in some ways.' I had clearly confused myself and the rest seemed to be quite entertained by my predicament. 'I don't want to be a dude, they are all horny pigs.' I finally made up my mind.

'Who's a horny pig.' Romeo asked coming down the stairs combing his fingers through his slicked back hair.

'You apparently.' Rocco joined in, directing his answer to Romeo. 'And you.' He pointed to Xavier and Lorenzo who were also coming down the stairs.'

'What am I?' Lorenzo asked.

'A horny pig.' Luca repeated. I saw Xavier put a hand on his heart mockingly.

'You ladies are drama queens like I have never seen before.' I said.

'Ladies? We are the most manliest people you will ever know.' Xavier proved tensing his muscular arms.

'Ok, fight me then.' I told him, half jokingly.

'Fight you? I could pick you up with one arm.' He stated with an eyebrow raised.

'Ok, and?'

'I won't fight you. Your not strong enough.' He figured.

'Pussy.' I muttered.

'What was that?' He asked even though I knew very well that he heard me. 'Girls can't fight.' He stated.

'And how did you come up with that stupid idea?' I challenged. I was now set on the idea of fighting him, before I was joking.

'They will always be outmuscled and outsmarted. It's typical.' Rocco chimed in.

'Ok, so it's a typical idea for men to be a brave, yet your declining a fight with a 14 year old girl, I see nothing but a coward.' I claimed, attempting to piss him off.

'It's called being respectful.' He argues.

'Yes, it's being respectful when you don't fight a girl if they have not given you permission. However, I am asking you to fight me, they are two very different things.'

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