1 Changes: Part 2

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September 22nd, 2013

I walked into the motel office. Everett was behind the counter as usual.

"Hey, Everett. Have you seen Sam?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah. I sent him to room 118 to fix the sink."

"Okay. Cool. Thanks," I replied.

I walked out and approached the room where Everett said that Sam was, and the door was slightly open. I placed my hand on the door to open it a bit more and walked in. Sam was kneeling next to the kitchen sink, tinkering with the pipes.

"Hey," I said.

He jumped a bit, not expecting me to be there. "Uh, hey." He stood up.

"Just wanted to let you know that I'm off to the diner for my shift," I said.

"Will you be back for dinner tonight?" Sam asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. I have a short shift. I'll bring something home."

"Okay, cool. What time do you think?" he asked.

"Maybe like nine or so, depends on how cleaning goes," I said.

"I thought you said it was a short shift? That's like seven hours," he said.

"Shorter than ten," I said and then turned to walk out the door.

The door to the room opened, and the vet that made us keep the dog came walking in, holding grocery bags.

"What the hell? What are you doing here? I knew there was something off about you two." She gestured to Sam. "You with your creepy Army-Navy and your sideburns—"

Sam shook his head. "Stop, stop. Um, I'm fixing your sink."

"What?" she asked.

"He's fixing your sink," I said.

The vet continued into the room and placed the grocery bags on the counter. "So, that's what you do? You stalk helpless women, and you break into their motel room, and you fix their plumbing? Why are you fixing my sink?"

Sam grabbed a bucket from underneath the sink. "Well, because somebody jammed about 800 limes down the drain and blew out the disposal." He showed her the bucket full of limes.

"Oh. Right," the vet said.

Sam then reached into the grocery bag and pulled out a small bag of limes.

She shooed him away. "Don't touch the produce."

I looked at Sam. "All right then. I'm gonna go to work." I turned to the vet. "It was so nice seeing you again, guilt trip." I smiled at her as I walked out of the motel room.

"Is she kidding?" I heard the vet ask Sam after I left.

"Uh. She jokes," Sam replied.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

September 26th, 2013

Two weeks had come and gone since I warned Sam that I would leave. I had come to the conclusion that he wasn't planning on continuing to look for Dean. So, I sat down and made a budget for myself to buy a car and leave. I quickly realized that it would take months to save enough with my normal schedule and help Sam pay for the motel room. So, I made myself available at the diner to cover shifts if necessary.

Pauline asked if I could cover a shift for one of the waiters who called in and, even though I had just finished my regular shift, I really needed to get out and look for Dean.

Maddison Winchester: Journal 8 {Supernatural} (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now