11 Welcome Home: Part 2

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Nate and Garth fell asleep pretty quickly. I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours.

I sighed and sat up. I reached over and turned the clock. 9:28 PM. That's it? I thought for sure it was at least midnight.

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed quietly. I went into the bathroom and decided to take a warm shower to help me relax.

I dried off and got dressed. As I stepped out, I looked at the clock again. 9:52 PM.

Ya know, Alicia was acting very strange about her phone call. Who do they have in the basement? And what the hell are they doing at ten o'clock?

I grabbed my bag, jacket, and Nate's car keys. I tiptoed my way out of the hotel room and got in the car.

I figured that I had a few hours before they noticed I was gone anyway, and if it wasn't anything serious, they would never have to know that I even left.

I drove out of town towards Alicia and Max's. Once I got to their dirt road, I turned the lights off and crept down the street.

I got to the point where I could see the house. There was another car parked in front of the house that wasn't there earlier. The curtains were drawn, but I could see candlelight flickering inside and figures moving around.

I parked the car, grabbed my bag, and headed out to see what was going on. I stuck to the darkest parts of the yard, so I wasn't discovered. After a few minutes, I finally reached one of the windows.

It was like the curtains were pasted to the windows. There were no openings or small cracks that would allow me to get a better look into the house. I walked around to the back of the house to see if I had any better luck back there.

As I started to look into the back window, a scream rang out from the front room. I whipped my head over. I looked in and saw a man. It was pretty dark, but I was able to walk a little closer to the window to get a better look.

I tried to make out the details of his face, but he had what looked like a burlap or cloth bag over his head. Then I saw Alicia walk up to the man. She was holding something in her hands that I couldn't quite make out in the candlelight.

She stood in front of the man, saying something.

I walked over to the back door and attempted to open it quietly. Luckily, it opened immediately, and I was able to walk inside undetected.

I walked through the kitchen and could hear Alicia and Max.

"Nos si vocare te. Nos si vocare te," they were chanting with two other voices.

I hurried into the living room where they were doing some kind of ritual.

"Hey!" I stood there, gun pointing at them and prepared to fire if necessary.

I looked around the room and saw a pentagram drawn on the floor. In the middle of the symbol, the man I had seen from outside was hanging by his wrists, and the body of the dead man was lying on a table next to the pentagram.

Max, Alicia, a teenage girl, and Jake, the hunter that had helped me out a few months back, turned towards me in shock. The man who was chained up started struggling against his restraints when he heard my voice. I could make out his muffled screams for help.

The girl looked at Alicia. "Who the hell is she?"

"Is that you, Sunny?" Jake asked with a slight smile.

The girl quickly shot him a look. "You know her?"

He shrugged. "Eh, yes and no."

Alicia set down a book that she was holding and slowly walked towards me, her hands up to show me she wasn't a threat.

"Back off!" I straightened my aim against Alicia.

Alicia stopped her progress and sighed. "I'm not trying to hurt you. We just need to talk for a moment."

Something in Alicia's face calmed me. Like she was telling the truth, so I went along with it.

"Okay, talk." I kept my aim just in case.

"Look, Roger died hunting a vampire." She gestured towards the table. "His kids asked us to help. We aren't hurting anyone."

I nodded. "Then why do you have a man chained up and gagged?"

"That's no man. That's the vampire that killed Roger," Alicia said.

"Okay. So, what are you doing with it?" I asked.

"Kendra and Jake asked if we could do a ritual that would bring their dad back," Max said.

"I can't let you do that. Nothing good comes from these types of rituals," I said.

Kendra shook her head. "You don't understand. He's all we have. He's all we've ever had. And we can't lose him. Not like this." She started to tear up.

Jake put his hand on her shoulder, and she turned to him and started sobbing in his arms.

At that moment, images of Dad, Dean, Sam, and Bobby flooded my mind. I took a deep breath and started to lower my gun.

"What can I do to help?" I asked.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Maddison Winchester: Journal 8 {Supernatural} (Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant