7 Moth into Flame: Part 1

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February 2nd - February 6th, 2014

I was standing in the dining room looking over a collection of jars full of summoning ingredients. I double-checked the contents of the jars with what was on my list. I got to the jar, which was supposed to have devil's shoestring, only to find it empty.

Nate walked in from around the corner, carrying a stack of papers. "How's it coming along? Have everything we need?"

I shook my head. "Almost. I thought Garth was supposed to get the devil's shoestring."

Nate walked over to where the jars were and looked in the empty one. "Hmm. Guess he hasn't got it yet."

"Well, we gotta get that soon so we can do this," I said.

Nate set the papers down. "Are we sure we wanna summon Crowley?"

I nodded. "Yes. We're sure."

"Okay, just double-checking. It's a pretty big deal," he said with a shrug.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I know, you keep saying that."

Nate gave me a serious look. "I just want to make sure you're okay. You've been through a lot with him, and I want you to be certain that this is the right move."

"Do you think I forgot? I'm literally fine," I snapped.

"Well, I know that you've been on edge 'cause Sam disconnected his phone," Nate said.

I smiled. "Okay, I'm done talking to you now."

Nate sighed just as Garth came walking in from the other room.

"Hey, guys. I was just on the hunter's forum trying to track down some of that devil's shoestring and—"

I interrupted him. "Wait, wait... Hunter's Forum? What's that?"

Garth smiled. "Ya know, a place where hunters go to exchange information and spell ingredients on the internet."

I furrowed my brow. "Hunters have their own website now?"

"Oh yeah, Garth goes there all the time to look for books or whatever," Nate said.

"Or even answer questions about creatures," Garth added.

I looked at Garth, confused. "I don't get it. I thought we were supposed to stay on the down-low with all of this."

Garth shrugged. "I mean yeah, but honestly, if anyone is searching that hard for this kinda stuff, they either have their foot in the door anyway, or they're crazy conspiracy theorists, who nobody will believe, or they'll just think it's a website for occult fanatics. Besides, it's kept pretty hidden behind the backdoor of a candle and lotion site."

I nodded my head, not sure if I was fully understanding. "Okay, I guess that makes sense."

Garth continued, "Yeah, but anyway. I was looking on there, and someone had posted a few articles about a few townsfolk going missing in Payson, Utah. Whoever wrote the articles believes the disappearances have something to do with an abandoned hotel outside of town."

"You want to check it out?" I asked.

Garth shook his head. "I don't know, a lot of people were commenting that it's nothing, and the town has a ton of urban legends floating around it."

I shrugged. "Well, it wouldn't hurt to look."

"Yeah, it doesn't seem right to leave it be if people are really going missing," Garth said.

"Eh, I'm not sure," Nate said, "It doesn't really sound like the real deal if it's surrounded by a bunch of conspiracy anyway. Besides, we're so close to getting this ritual together, and I want this place prepped for when Crowley shows up. We are already a little bit behind and need all hands on deck if we want to get this done by tomorrow night."

Maddison Winchester: Journal 8 {Supernatural} (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now