5 The Killing Road: Part 2

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Garth came into the office just as Nate and I finished up labeling and organizing the phones. He walked over and plopped down into one of the chairs and then let out a big sigh.

"Look, man, we have the phones all organized now." Nate pointed to the desk that now had all of the phones lined up next to each other. They were labeled with their corresponding government agency.

Garth looked over at the desk. "Oh, cool."

Nate looked at him, a little puzzled. "What's up, man?"

"I've got like four cases that need hunters, then I have some research I have to do for a few cases that are being taken care of. I'm just a little stressed out, is all." Garth leaned his head back and closed his eyes. "I really don't know how Bobby did it all," he said, shaking his head.

I sat down next to Garth. "First of all, don't compare yourself to Bobby. You're just starting out doing something that he did for years."

"Yeah. I mean, he had been doing this since the telegraph." Nate laughed.

"In honor of Bobby..." I smacked Nate in the back of the head. "Shut up, ya idjit."

Nate reached back and rubbed his head. "Ow!"

I turned to Garth. "Anyways. You're still getting all of this stuff organized. Maybe you need a little break."

Garth straightened up in the chair. "Yeah. Maybe that's a good idea."

"You can use your Relaxation Station. That's what it's for, right?" Nate asked.

"Why don't you give us one of the cases that you need covered? Nate and I will go take care of it, and you chill here," I said.

"Are you sure? You wouldn't want more backup?" Garth asked.

"If we need more backup, we'll give you a call," Nate said.

Garth started to stand. "Okay. I'll be right back."

He left the room and walked into the office, returning a minute later with a manilla folder full of papers and news clippings.

"So, this one is actually not too far away." He handed us the file.

I started opening the folder and pulling out papers.

"About three weeks ago, I caught wind of an accident that happened not too far away. A little town called Brady, right in the heart of Nebraska." Garth pointed to the most recent newspaper clipping. "Reports say that a family was murdered. I guess one night, a commotion was heard by a neighbor who called the police. The cops showed up and found an entire family slaughtered in their living room," he continued.

"So, what makes this one of ours?" I asked.

"The cops found a video camera at the scene of the crime. The camera was left recording and shows that one of the police officers from the town was responsible for murdering the family." Garth tilted his head. "Only problem is—"

Nate nodded. "He doesn't remember?"

Garth pointed to him. "Exactly."

I shrugged. "Okay, but he could just be a psycho, claiming amnesia."

Garth nodded. "That's what I thought too until another murder happened last week. A few hours away from Brady, in the town of Kimball. Same MO. Family found murdered in their home. Video camera setup and a cop who takes the fall."

Nate looked at Garth. "Do we know where they're gonna strike next?"

Garth shook his head. "No, but we can guess." He started pulling more reports out of the folder and laying them on a table in front of us.

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