6 Fight Fire with Fire: Part 2

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We were driving for about ten minutes when we came to an intersection.

"I have no idea what this says." I handed Nate the directions that Garth wrote down for us.

Nate glanced at the paper and shook his head. "Me neither. I'll pull over and see if we can figure it out."

He pulled over shortly after and looked over the paper. A few minutes later, he looked up at me.

He sighed. "Look, I've got something to say, and I just need you to hear me out."

I furrowed my brow. "Yeah?"

"I think you need to call Sam. Like as soon as possible," Nate said earnestly.

"I already told you I would," I said.

He nodded. "Yeah, you keep saying you will, but you keep pushing it off. I know better than anyone how much you will regret not making a simple phone call."

"You act like it'll be too late if I don't do it this second," I said.

He shrugged and nodded. "It could be—"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Come on, Nate."

"Maddison, I'm serious." He shook his head. "Life is not fair, and you know how true that is. Even if Sam isn't hunting anymore, literally, anything could happen to him... or you. You don't want to make the mistake of pushing something off just 'cause you think you have more time."

"All right, all right. I get it," I said.

"All I'm saying is. I know how much I wish I could pick up the phone and talk to Jo." Nate looked at me seriously. "You might not be able to pick up the phone and call Dean, but you still have Sam. Don't overlook that."

I nodded. "Yeah, and that's the problem."

He shook his head. "How could that possibly be a problem?"

"I'm not ready to stop looking for Dean or Kevin," I said, "I'm not ready to stop hunting. And as much as I miss Sam and wish he could be here doing this with me. He's already given all of that up. I don't want to call him and be convinced to go back. What I'm doing... what we're doing right now is way too important to just move on from."

Nate thought for a minute and nodded. "Okay, how 'bout this? You call him, and if for some reason your talk makes you suddenly forget how stubborn you are, I'll remind you of why you're here doing this with Garth and me."

I smirked. "Fine. We've got a deal. But I'm waiting to call him after this case."

He nodded. "All right, but I'm holding you to it."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We decided on our drive that we were going to pose as university students who have to do research for a paper about a local community that has had to deal with tragedy.

Nate pulled into a gas station in South Fork. While he filled the tank, I went inside to grab us some drinks and snacks, so we had a bit of food for the hotel room.

The store's inside was almost pristine, almost like the employees spent most of their time cleaning than waiting on customers. It was reasonably quiet, except for an older woman who stood behind the counter clanking her knitting needles together.

I grabbed some drinks from the cooler and a few bags of snacks and headed towards the counter. The old woman grabbed the peach tea from the counter and glared at me.

"Not from around here, are ya?" she asked as she scanned my items without breaking from her stare.

I swallowed. "Yeah. My friend and I are just in town to do some research for a school project."

Maddison Winchester: Journal 8 {Supernatural} (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now