8 Overkill: Part 2

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We followed Wally out of town to see the werewolf that he was holding for questioning.

"Seems a little strange, don't ya think?" Nate asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. He seemed on edge. Like he was hiding something."

"I just think he was freaked out that we were there. I don't think he was expecting us to just show up and be in his motel room," Garth said.

I shook my head. "I don't know. Something's off about the whole thing. Luke gets killed, but Wally manages to capture one of them without the rest of the group of werewolves coming back to kill him and get their friend back?"

"Yeah, it definitely feels strange that they haven't found him yet. Especially 'cause he said it's a whole pack," Nate said.

"Maybe he's just covering his tracks really well. Would explain how they haven't found him yet. Or maybe they aren't even looking for him," Garth said.

I shrugged. "That doesn't make any sense. You said it yourself... he's not the best hunter. Now suddenly, he's able to cover his tracks from a pack of werewolves enough that he's had one of them for a day or so, but he still hasn't figured out where they're staying?"

Garth shook his head. "I don't know. I just don't want this all to be my fault. I was the one who gave him another chance." He stared out of the window at the passing lights of cars.

"Whatever happens, this isn't your fault," Nate said, "I know you well enough to know that you think something stinks about this too. He's not telling us everything, man, and we need him to, so we can help him."

Garth nodded and continued staring out of the window.

A few minutes later, we pulled down a gravel road that led through a large group of trees. About a half-mile down the road, the trees parted and opened up into a large wheat field. Standing in the middle of the field was a large, dilapidated barn.

Wally stopped his car about ten feet from the barn's front door and got out.

Nate looked across at me. "Ready?"

"Yeah, let's go figure this out," I said as I opened my door and stepped out.

Garth took a moment and then joined us outside.

Wally walked up to the barn door and pulled a ring of keys out of his pocket. He grabbed the chains that were holding the door closed. He unlocked the padlock and unchained the door. Quickly, he swung the door open, revealing the poorly lit inside of the barn.

There was a stack of crates directly inside the door, and behind those, I could barely see the top of someone's head. We walked around the crates and could see a woman tied to a chair.

As soon as we walked into her full view, she started shaking, trying to break the ropes that held her in place. Her screams were muffled by a rag that was shoved into her mouth. Her eyes were swollen like she had been crying for hours. Make-up was smeared down her face, and there was dirt stuck to her clothes.

"Well, let's get this started then," I said as I stepped forward to remove her gag.

Wally cut me off and stood between the woman and me. "Hold on. Not just yet. Gotta let her stew a little longer."

I furrowed my brow at him. "You don't think a day is long enough for her to 'stew'? Bodies are still piling up, we've gotta figure this out, and that's gonna be pretty hard if she can't talk to us."

"If she's able to scream and carry on in here, it could attract her pack. The longer it takes for her pack to find us, the more willing she will be to cooperate. She won't have a reason not to," Wally said.

Maddison Winchester: Journal 8 {Supernatural} (Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt