10 Creeping Death: Part 1

285 22 2

June 12th - June 15th, 2014

"You turned off the main highway, Maddi," Nate said. "Are you sure you know where you're going?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," I said, "I thought we could check out this case while we're out here."

"What case?" Nate asked, "We just finished one, remember? We need to rest."

I nodded. "I know, but I figured we could hit one more before getting back to the cabin. It's on the way anyway."

Nate sighed. "Where is it?"

I cleared my throat. "It's like tw... or thr... hou... off the highway," I mumbled.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" he asked. "I think I heard you say two or three hours away, but that couldn't be right 'cause you said it was on the way home," he said sarcastically.

I shrugged. "It kind of is." I looked over at him. "Don't be so grumpy."

"Maddi, we just finished taking out a vampire nest. I'm exhausted," he said, "You've been non-stop with the hunting this past month. You need a break."

I shrugged. "I'm fine. I'm ready to go, honestly."

He sighed. "I'm guessing this is why you wanted to drive then?"

"I knew you wouldn't go if you were driving," I said.

"So, you tricked me?" he asked.

"Oh, calm down," I said, "We can rest when we get to the motel."

"I need days off, a week would be nice actually, but not just one night," he said.

"Don't you think you're being a little dramatic?" I asked.

He gave me a dirty look. "Whatever," he said. "What's the case about?"

"A group of people went missing from a twenty-year high school reunion," I explained, "It was a week ago, no one has heard from them, and now the police are calling it a missing-persons."

Nate leaned back in his seat. "A missing-persons case? That doesn't necessarily sound like our thing."

"I know," I said, "But I think it could be."

"Fine," he said, "We can check it out."

"Good," I said, "You're finally on board."

He rolled his eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm just tired," he said.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We pulled into the motel parking lot. It was a rough-looking place. The neon sign buzzed and flickered. It was old and run down, but it would do the job.

I looked over at Nate. "Ready?"

He sighed. "Yeah."

I got out of the car and went in to check into the motel.

"Hi," I said to the old lady at the desk.

"Twenty bucks for as long as you need," she said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"For a room," she said, "Twenty bucks."

"That all?" I asked, slightly surprised at how cheap it was.

"Yeah," she said.

I nodded, pulled out my wallet, and handed her a twenty.

She took the money and handed me a key. "Room 32."

Maddison Winchester: Journal 8 {Supernatural} (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now