Ch. 7: Watch your fucking language, doll!

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Mackenzie and Alyssa walked into Liquid as they had planned all along. The only slight change to that plan was Gareth, a few of the executives, and some of Gareth's 'friends'. Mackenzie knew they were his bodyguards; she also knew, he considered them friends even if he was the boss.

True to Gareth's style, he had gotten them a huge VIP area, and the drinks were on him that night. His mood was good, and he had not seemed predatory or acted inappropriately toward Mackenzie.

Surprisingly disturbing to Mackenzie, because she was on high alert, ready for his attack. She held no illusions. Gareth would attack at some point.

During dinner, she had sat not too far from him between two of the executives. Nice men, who had been very interested in her work methods and what she thought she could do for the company.

Both were obviously taken with her looks and charm. Like all the men, including Gareth, though everybody kept it professional. They had been invigorating conversationalists, and they clearly knew their jobs and wanted the company to succeed with Gareth at the helm. The way Gareth had turned other companies around was the hot topic among the executives. They expected him to do it for them too. There was no doubt in Mackenzie's mind that he would succeed. However, she had found it somewhat amusing that they did not know what kind of man Gareth really was. She was unsure if they would be as supportive if they knew about his background and side businesses.

A few times, she had felt Gareth's gaze upon her and ignored it. Just one time, she had lifted her head and met his eyes. When she had, Mackenzie had seen a glimpse of something unknown in his eyes, before he hid it behind his everlasting, supreme self-control.

She could not have stopped the small smile she sent his way. She had missed those baby-blues looking at her. Gareth had simply smiled back at her and moved his attention elsewhere.

Mackenzie was not sure what game he played. Did he want her or not? Gareth had made no efforts to get her alone, not a single dirty look or angry glance. She had expected him to be furious with her and have his revenge, or at least back her up into a corner for him to play his game. So far, he had been the Gareth she remembered.

The one she had loved.

The man who saw straight through her façade and broke her defenses. A man she was defenseless against.

The club was busy as most weekends. There were people everywhere. The music pumped, and the alcohol flowed.

Whenever the drinks ran low at their table, a hostess came running with more. None of them had to voice the need. It was as if she was on duty just for them and not serving other tables like most hostesses, dividing their attention between several VIPs.

Mackenzie sent Gareth a questioning smile.

"Are you showing off for your executives?"

"I don't show off," he stated coldly, and added with a shrug, "Perks of being the owner, I guess."


She had not seen that one coming. Mackenzie knew he did a lot of real estate investments and owned strip bars and some regular bars, but owning a classy nightclub was a surprise.

"Dolly, I own half of this town."

That was an exaggeration, of course. He had made his point, though.

If she had not already known he would not be in her life for long, she would have been interested in knowing just how extensive his businesses were. Mackenzie had a feeling there was a lot she still did not know about him. He would probably tell her if she asked.

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