Ch. 65: Move your bloody ass

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The day had come.

They all knew it would.

In a way, they had dreaded its coming. Dreaded how it forced them to deal with what would come after. 

But they also welcomed it. It was a day of moving forward. Of a brighter future for those left, hopefully.

A day of acceptance.

People had gathered in the common room of The Mansion, where Natalya and her staff served food and drinks for all. Every kind of drink, it did not matter that it was only early morning. If people needed a stiff whiskey, a shot of vodka, or a brandy to warm the inside, they could have it.

All day through.

They were supposed to begin at nine o'clock.

Most people stood around in small groups and talked low. Nobody crowded each other. Those who wished to stand alone, people allowed to do so. No judgment. Everybody dealt with it in their own way.

Those meant to take part moved away from the common room.

Rows of chairs waited in the dimly lit room, and people took their seats.

Zariyah sat in a long, dark dress, looking like the royalty she was, with a stoic face, clinging to Vasili, who sat beside her in a nice suit with a tense expression.

Rami sat alone in the corner, grumbling a little, but otherwise made no show of having to be there. He would much rather stand outside and not be up close and personal.

People quietly came in and found their places.

In front of Phoenix's chair, Jace stood with Phoenix's arms around him. Both stared into blank space, just holding each other.

"I don't know how to do this," Jace whispered in a dead voice.

"I know, Baby. I also know you'll be alright." Phoenix reassuringly held on to Jace to calm him. "It's ok to be nervous. We all chose you. It could have been any of us, but he would have wanted it to be you."

Nodding, though he did not feel sure, Jace pressed himself into Phoenix's embrace and received a much-needed kiss on his neck. Jace had left Phoenix alone in their room and went there at midnight, preparing himself.

Just in case.

Jace straightened his back and shed the anxiety. He turned and gave Phoenix a quick peck on the lips, and waited for him to sit down before Jace stepped forward.

He did not want to be that person. The one who had to explain things.

Tentatively, still with uncertainty running through him, making him sweat and feel dizzy, Jace looked down. He took in the difference now that the nurses had cleaned him up and prepared him.

Clean shaven. Hair, far too long, but combed neatly. Lashes resting against pale skin, lips a pinkish-white. Very odd, really. Dressed in an expensive black, silk pajama with hands folded on his stomach on top of the coverings over his lower half.

The machines gave off monotonous sounds, like always. A screen showed numbers and graphs, like always. IV drips hung at the back of the bed, like always.


Slowly, Jace pushed the button to the mechanized piston, pushing in the clear liquid to be administered through the IV.

Jace sat down.

And waited.

In silence.

With the rest of them.

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