Ch. 30: I'm all yours now

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Gareth stood in the judge's office, looking out over the city. Nervously, he checked his watch; she had ten minutes to get there, and there was no rush. Still, he felt nervous. From what he knew, that was normal on one's wedding day, but maybe not because the groom feared the bride had changed her mind because he gave her a shit proposal and sad promises for the future.

The night he spent at the hotel had been lonely. Which was strange because he spent most nights alone. He had barely slept, completely normal for him, but the night had plagued him with an unfounded bad feeling that Mackenzie would not show up. Gareth had wanted to give her privacy to get ready, and room to think about her situation. Her decision to accept him came with a lot of sacrifices. She needed to put up with some unimaginable shit from his side.

A life in danger, keeping secrets on a daily basis from friends and family, his explosive temper, the drinking and working at all hours, and no children. Mackenzie should be a mother, she was made for that. She cared so much, and he would have loved to see her glowing while their baby grew inside her.

Condemning her to be deprived of that bliss tore at him.

Maybe she still had time to fulfill that dream if he died.

"You look a little nervous there, Gareth?" Judge Petersen came back into the office with the court clerk and Gareth's lawyer, who would serve as witnesses.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't," Gareth said with a little smile. He kept looking at the door, waiting for Mackenzie.

Gareth had left her bouquet with the secretary outside. He had sent the car for her earlier and prepared everything for their dinner and day together.

All he could do was wait and hope.

"If it helps, I can inform you that her car arrived not long ago, and she's going through a security check now."

"It helps!" Gareth sighed with relief.

Then he smiled. She was right; she would drive him crazy. He would accept it every day as long as she was there to do it.

They waited in silence; Gareth's eyes fixed on the door until it opened.

"I think we're ready out here, Judge Petersen." The secretary stood in the doorway, waiting for them all to get ready before she sent in Mackenzie.

Judge Petersen made people stand in their respective places before he told his secretary to get the bride. He smiled encouragingly at Gareth, who finally seemed to relax a little. He had been antsy from the moment he arrived, understandable really. Petersen had seen plenty of grooms in his office. Gareth had not broken the statistics in any way, though it was unusual behavior from the Gareth he knew.

He had always known Gareth to be calm and collected. A pillar of control and nothing seemed to get to him. Getting married apparently got to the cold businessman. It was a little bit funny, and he enjoyed seeing the humanity in Gareth.

The secretary kept the door open when she disappeared to get Mackenzie. Why were women so slow? The seconds felt like hours until she appeared in the doorway. Gareth had not known what to expect, whatever he had imagined was not what appeared.

Holy fucking shit!

Sweet Jesus!

Spreadsheets. Sales reports. Building permits. Liquor licenses.

Whatever dull he could think of, he needed to focus on, because she looked like what he imagined paradise would be, and he reacted violently to what he saw.

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