Ch. 71: Cracker!

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Swirling his whiskey around in his glass, Gareth enjoyed a moment of peace. Not that it was silent around him. The ballroom buzzed with people talking and the band playing. The sounds of glasses, utensils on plates, and servers constantly pouring wine and drinks filled the room.

They had finished the main course and waited for dessert. From many of the stuffy weddings he had attended in his life, he had to give it to Vittorio. An Italian wedding was anything but boring. Sure, there had been a few speeches where Gareth felt he was on his way back into a coma, but for the most part, people had danced and sung at any given time.

Halfway through the entrees, a bunch of elderly Italian men had gotten up and danced around where Vittorio and Patricia sat. The band had joined in, making it even more spectacular. They had danced until a blushing Patricia had stood and joined them. People had left their food to get up to dance and clap along with the show.

Gareth's eyes drifted around the room.

Jace was the king of his table, though he had taken on the role of court jester too. He told stories and had the crowd laughing all the time. Even Phoenix had a smile on his face every time Gareth had looked in their direction.

At first, Leoni had been shy and clung to his pant leg, not making his already troubled walking easier. Eventually, she had noticed some of the other kids and carefully inched in on them to join their fun and games. Sereai was there most of the time, keeping an eye on all the ankle biters. How that woman found the energy to deal with all those kids and still keep up her jobs, a husband, and look like a fucking supermodel, was beyond Gareth's understanding.

Not that Sereai was needed at all. None of the kids were ever without supervision, since both Vittorio's and Gareth's guys were all over them, dancing and playing with them. Leoni was already a little diva with all of Gareth's guys. They adored her and she had them all wrapped around her little finger.

Especially Phoenix, of all people.

It was absolutely enchanting the way she called him 'Unkie Phonnie', which made it sound like 'Uncle Funny' which was even more hilarious because of who Phoenix was. She and Rein called all of them 'uncle'. They were probably the only kids in the world with over a thousand Russian and Italian uncles who loved them to bits. Gareth knew because when he had adopted them, men from his other cities, who had never met either of the kids, had sent a mountain of gifts for them. 

In the crowd of people, Gareth saw his parents sit with Vittorio and Patricia, and Phoenix's parents, sharing a bottle of champagne. They, too, smiled and watched people enjoy the party.

They all seemed to enjoy themselves.

Like that shadow Vasyl had cast on them, had finally disappeared. They too felt the future looked brighter, that all the hard work and the sacrifices made the last year had been worth it.

Gareth did not know how to thank them for everything they had done for him and Mackenzie.

Especially Cracker.

How did one repay that kind of dedication?

Saying 'thank you' did not seem like enough and would be a gross understatement. Paying him would be an insult. Offering him something material was just in poor taste. Gareth had nothing, could think of nothing to give back to Cracker for everything he had done. Done in the face of losing Alyssa, at the cost of his own comfort and safety, for months on end. First, stalking and then capturing Vasyl. Then working in the shadows to keep Mackenzie safe, and later save Gareth's life by shooting Iri.

Still, after that, he had kept at it to get the hitmen after Mackenzie.

And he had been humble enough to let Vittorio call to tell the good news. He had worked relentlessly to get the last hitman before the wedding for Mackenzie to attend, and for Gareth to reclaim his love.

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