Ch. 40: Can I call you that in bed?

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"I don't know what to buy for him," Alyssa sighed when they left yet another store empty-handed. "What can I get somebody like Cracker? The man's got everything."

"I don't think he cares about presents. Just show up naked and bring beer. You'll have him by the balls for life."

Alyssa winked at Mackenzie with a smirk. "Yeah, that kind of behavior is what got me into this mess in the first place."

"I knew dear Fallon was a simple man at heart." Mackenzie laughed, trying not to picture her friends doing the nasty.

Back when Mackenzie had set up Alyssa and Cracker for their date, she had hoped they would hit it off, but their relationship had become more than she imagined it could have led to.

They were in love.

Cracker was perfect for Alyssa. Smart, funny, and caring. He respected Alyssa for her mind and her personality, as well as her looks. With Cracker, Alyssa got the complete package. She did not have to hide or feel bad about her own success, because Cracker celebrated with her, and never compared their accomplishments.

If she did well, he was happy for her.

It was that simple for him to love.

"I still need something for him to unwrap for Christmas. As in an actual gift for him."

"You think it's easier to find something for Gareth?" Mackenzie dramatically rolled her eyes.

"You could always buy him his own whiskey distillery."

Both of them laughed.

Alyssa did not know how close to the mark she had hit with that comment. Mackenzie had thought about giving him a share in a distillery. She had been in contact with a few to hear if they were interested. Though Gareth would probably drink away any profit it would make.

"How long do we have until we meet the guys?"

Alyssa loved being in London with Mackenzie; shopping and girl time while the guys did the business they had postponed back when Jace needed them to be at home. She had been disappointed when it had been called off last time, but she had understood. That brotherhood connection between the men in Gareth's organization was stronger than anything she had ever experienced, and she would never be the one to ask Cracker to go against his loyalty to his friends.

Now that Jace was better and Gareth had needed to get that business taken care of before Christmas, they had gone to London, the four of them.

It was cold like a deep freezer, being there in December. Still, the city was beautiful and the shops wanted the business. There was something magical about everything. Twinkle lights, pine trees, fake or not, shiny ornaments, bows, ribbons, tinsel, stars, and hearts galore.

They had been there for two days. Mackenzie and Alyssa went shopping and sampled restaurants under the watchful eye of Anatoly and his men, while Gareth and Cracker sat in meetings. They met up in the evenings to eat and go out, enjoying the Christmas-decorated city. They even went to see Santa in a fake Northpole landscape, where Gareth had insisted Mackenzie sat on Santa's lap and told him her wishes.

They had planned to separate the following day. Cracker and Alyssa would go visit Cracker's home, and Gareth would take Mackenzie to see his father's estate.

Well, their estate.

Because of issues at home, they had only planned it to be a quick trip. They needed to get back home to continue with the investigation into King and Campo. The guys at home worked on that while they were away, keeping Gareth updated on any little thing.

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