Ch. 15: You're James Bond, I get it

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Cracker parked his car in a parking lot not too far from the restaurant he had picked for his date with Alyssa. He had texted her to meet him close to the restaurant, at a small plaza near the park.

All he knew was she would wear red.

He smoothed his hands down the dark suit to make sure it looked straightened. As a male, he did not go outside the fashion box a lot. Black suit, white button shirt, black silk tie, and dress shoes. He did not like all those modern looks of new-age designs and colors. Cracker was old school. If he had to dress up, he went with classic elegance. 

His dark brown hair he had pulled back in a man bun, and he was clean-shaven. It really took little for a man to get ready for a date.

Well, physically.

Mentally, he was a wreck.

A blind date with a friend of Mackenzie's, and from what he had learned, an employee of Gareth's too. If he messed that one up, he would have those two on his ass for decades to come.

That was a lot of pressure for somebody who usually just saw something nice and went for it for a few hours of delight and no commitments.

Top that with the entire gang being on edge with Mackenzie in the hospital, refusing to wake up. He was not in the right headspace for a date, and somebody like Alyssa deserved better. Still, Cracker could not get himself to cancel the date. He prided himself on being a man of his word, and he hated excuses. If he had to admit it, he wanted to see her.

Their texts throughout the week he had found invigorating and fun. He liked her personality and sense of humor. They had not talked dirty or made any sexual innuendos. It seemed as if they did not need that to keep their communication fresh and ongoing.

Still, he felt the nerves, and he was man enough to acknowledge that.

With nervous excitement, Cracker scanned the plaza. There were many people, but only one who wore red. She had her back to him, and he liked what he saw.

Gorgeous legs in ankle-breaking, high stilettoes. He could not see her body because of the red shawl she wore casually around her shoulders. It hung off one shoulder, showing creamy white skin, a long swan neck, and ice-blonde hair in a messy bun.

If that was her, he needed to thank Mackenzie for the girls night.


The woman turned around and focused her brown doe eyes on him.

It was official.

He had won the lottery.

"Fallon." Her face lit up in a soft smile.

Alyssa did not move. The man in front of her was freaking gorgeous. Mackenzie had been right; he was hotter than a summer's day in hell, and her body reacted to him.

Jesus Christ, he was huge.

Larger than Gareth, who was an imposing figure, and Fallon looked good in the black suit.

"You look exquisite. Thank you for agreeing to this." Cracker closed the gap between them and leaned in for a respectful kiss on the cheek.

Her skin felt soft, and her perfume hit him with a seductive note.

Alyssa blushed. Like really blushed at his compliment. It had been a while since she had done that. Her cheek still tingled where his lips had touched.

Schoolgirl crush incoming.

"God, you're big," Alyssa whispered, looking up at him, talking more to herself than to him.

Cracker pulled back, scratching his neck with an embarrassed smile.

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