Ch. 23: You know how I am

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The few weeks after they had come back from Spain went by faster than Mackenzie could fathom. Gareth was crazy busy with work, some extensive project he kept talking about at home, and then, of course, all his usual business affairs. He tried not to show how thinly he stretched himself, but she noticed. Most days, she suspected he did not sleep at all.

Their routine was back.

Some days, Gareth came home and ate with her, others he joined her later for a drink before bed. He was a little more intimate in his kisses hello and goodnight, but he never tried to touch her intimately or kiss her on the mouth. He just held her tightly when he kissed her cheek in a lingering way.

It being Friday, Mackenzie had wanted to go out with the girls. Gareth was still opposed to that, but he had conceded when Mackenzie told him she, Alyssa, and Nina would only be going to the Friday bar across the street at Neville's before going to their place for dinner.

It was a compromise they both had agreed on.

About to enter Neville's Sports bar, Mackenzie had no expectations of what she would encounter. A company Friday bar had sounded fairly casual, and it would fit her nicely with a chance to go out without it being too much.

She had missed their clubbing.

When she entered, she got surprised by how many from Granston's were there. People huddled in clusters around tables, or at the pool tables and big screen TVs, where different sports games showed.

"Mackenzie!" Eve, the receptionist, squealed when she saw her. She came running to Mackenzie and dragged her over to her table. Eve introduced her to people, and the men made sure she got what she wanted to drink.

"I'm so happy you came," Eve said with a cheerful smile. "We all heard you were sick, and you've not been back much. I hope you're feeling better?"

Some at the table nodded at Eve's comment.

"Yes, I'm all better now, and you made this sound like the place to be." Mackenzie liked the atmosphere there. It was less tense than at the office, and people relaxed after a long week.

Friday bars should be mandatory.

"You do this every week?"

"Yes," Dieter, a dark-haired man next to her, answered, "It's great for mingling with the other departments."

"We do something like this at Abrams' too, but only once a month. Maybe it should be more, but with families and weekend obligations, many might not want it every week."

"It's an open invitation. If people have plans, they don't show up, but then they might join the following week," Dieter said with a shrug. He did not seem too into the conversation; he was obviously more interested in appreciating Mackenzie's looks. "So, how long are you going to be with us at Granstons?"

"I'm not sure. My involvement with a company can vary. It depends on what needs to be done, and what my team and I decide to present to the leaders." Mackenzie explained her job superficially, not wanting to go too deep into her work methods with the people who would be affected by them in the end. "Ultimately, it's up to Mr. Tempest if he implements what we suggest."

"He'd be a fool if he doesn't, but I'll give him this. Things have improved since he took over."

"I don't think the man knows how to fail at anything," a man named Christian added from his place across the table. "He's scary good at everything business related."

"True story." Mackenzie laughed because she had often thought the same.

Gareth was a natural. Business ran in his blood. The way his mind worked made Mackenzie's head spin sometimes. But she liked he was wise enough to seek help when he needed it and never saw suggestions as being rude or inappropriate. He might not follow the advice people offered him, but he always listened and decided based on the information he had.

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