Ch. 69: Somebody better cough up an explanation!

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The same dream seized her mind almost every time she closed her eyes.

He met her there; big, strong, and handsome. Caring, and saying all the right things. That he forgave her, that he still wanted her. How he missed her. His voice enveloped her with its charm and sensuality.

Warm arms embraced her, and kisses...

So many kisses.

Small, quick ones.

Long, dwelling ones.

Deep and passionate ones.

That smell of him.

Whiskey, cigarettes, and a deeply masculine cologne. A smell she took with her everywhere. To some, that combination sounded too strange to bring a person to a calm and happy place, but to her, it was the only combination that mattered.

It was him.

It was what made him Gareth.

And she dearly loved that smell.

She felt happy, loved, and safe until the dream turned dark and foggy. The warmth Gareth had given her vanished as the fog rolled in. His voice became distant, and she searched frantically for him. Called his name and begged him to come back to her.

Every time he disappeared, leaving her devastated and heartbroken, she broke into tears. Tears ran down her face while she fought to wake up, searching for a way to get back to where she had control again.

Like most of the other times, comforting and strong arms gently wrapped around her, and soft words were whispered into her ear, coaxing her back to reality.

Drawing her from the dreams that broke her heart.

"Come on, Darling, it's just a dream. Wake up."

"He left me again," Mackenzie cried, clinging to the arms around her.

"No, he didn't. He was never there. If he was, he wouldn't have left you."

Mackenzie sank into the comforting embrace and tried to stop crying. The dreams were so real, the emotions real, and they tore at her. She could not see right from wrong in her dreams. There was no anchor for her to hold on to, nothing to make her realize it was not real.

Not until the warm embrace and soothing words brought her back.

Sniffling into her pillow, Mackenzie slowly returned from her nightmare. The morning light was sharp and uncaring of her sensitive eyes and desire for more sleep, dreamless sleep. She needed sleep so much; it had been months since she last had a peaceful night.

"Are you awake?"


A chuckle followed and the arms held her a little tighter. "You're so stubborn."

"I'm not."

"I rest my case."

The low, rumbling laugh made her smile. He always did that, comforted her, and made her smile. Made time fly and pushed her worries to the back of her mind. She felt safe with him, loved in a way.

Cared for 24/7.

He was one of the nicest men she had ever met. And knowing the men she held dear from Gareth's group, that was a compliment of epic proportions. What he had done for her...

"Thank you."

"Don't give me that. I don't need you to thank me," he scolded.

"But I want to thank you. You put your life on hold for me."

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