Ch. 26: Too much information there, mate

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Gareth hated Mondays.

Not in the Garfield way, though he could use some lasagna, preferably Mackenzie's, and then his bed. He hated Mondays because of the Monday workload. The days melted together for him. Most time he did not know if it was summer or Sunday. If there was work to be done, he did it. The only real reason he knew it was Monday was because of the lack of productivity from the people in his companies. They apparently hated Mondays too, and somehow that came and bit Gareth on the ass.

Grumpy emails, late reports with excuses of why they had not gotten things done the week before. And worst of all, somehow, they all expected him to be on top of the world on Mondays, taking all their shit with a positive attitude, because they held the monopoly on hating Mondays.

If they wanted bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, they could go find a fucking squirrel.

He sighed.

Ok, shit to sign, reports to read, emails to answer, calls to return, tasks to delegate, RSVP on invitations, call mom, and text Mackenzie.

It would probably be Wednesday before he got through with Monday's work.

The knock on his door actually made Gareth smile. He had spent five hours doing what he had set out to do. Worked through lunch, because he did not feel like lunch without Mackenzie there. But the knock told him that Jace had arrived, and that meant sofa time and a whiskey. Anything involving whiskey would put a smile on his face.

"Just get in here!"

Jace smiled knowingly when he entered and went straight for the bar and grabbed a whiskey bottle and two glasses.

"You look like you need this?" Jace poured for the both of them after he had sat down.

Gareth threw himself on the other sofa and swiped the glass from the table. "Seriously, I feel like work multiplies every time I look away. Has it always been like that?"

Jace shrugged with a casual smile. "Yes, but you've never cared before."

Leaning back with his drink, Jace studied Gareth. He had changed a lot. He was not the robot he had been for years. Not the playboy who fucked his way through Europe. Gareth was slowly turning into the man Gareth had always wanted to be. A fierce leader, a respected businessman, and a loving partner. Somebody with more purpose in life than making money and doing right by his family name.

Being a mafia leader did not mean he had to be tough as nails all the time. Or cooped up in some Russian restaurant with his henchmen, eating Borscht while planning criminal activities like in the movies.

Gareth had known who and what he wanted to be long before Mackenzie came into his life, but not until her, had he found the courage and energy to become it. And now that Jace knew how Mackenzie felt, he hoped they would both get that happy ending.

Or beginning as it would be for them.

The beginning of a life together.

A happier one.

"I haven't seen much of you lately," Gareth casually commented while he looked sternly at Jace. "You need to tell me something, right? It's not like I don't know already."

Oh, shit!

"Eh, not sure what you mean, boss?" Jace said nervously. He stopped himself from running his fingers through his hair. That would show Gareth that he kept secrets. It was his tell when something was on his mind.

Gareth laughed. "I hope Phoenix appreciates that you've been there to help him and neglected your duties here."


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