Ch. 18: What are you doing Saturday?

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Two weeks had passed since their late-night dinner.

They had not talked about what had happened that day when Gareth had taken her to the flat; it had been a silent agreement between them to leave it in the past. No amount of saying sorry could change the past. Being better in the future, they held power over.

Mackenzie had returned to work, but not full-time.

Gareth had insisted she started slowly and had arranged with Thornton Abrams to still pay in full to Abrams Consulting, though Mackenzie would not work every day. And he had asked Mackenzie permission to offer the deal before contacting Thornton. No more going behind her back. Thornton had agreed, not because Gareth had asked him, but because he liked Mackenzie, and he would rather have a little of her genius than none. And returning after a stay at the hospital, he had not wished for her to overexert herself.

Furious would not begin to describe how Mackenzie had acted at the news of the car service Gareth had arranged for her. Not because she felt he tried to control her or wanted to keep an eye on her, it was because he had already done too much. Driving herself to work, even in a smaller, used car, was fine by her. He had insisted, not sure why she had blown up, hoping she would come around.

Either way, she had conceded after a lot of convincing and accepted the offer of having a day driver. For the time being, she had made sure Gareth knew it was not a permanently accepted arrangement.

When Fabian had waited outside the apartment building on Monday, in a crisp new suit in front of a lavish black Audi, she had gotten overly excited. Mackenzie had expected one of Gareth's usual guys and had never seen him hiring Fabian to be her chauffeur. When he had asked if he should take care of thanking Fabian, that was not what she had thought he had in mind.

Fabian had gushed on and on about how wonderful Gareth had acted toward him and his wife. The job, the new housing they would move into the following month, and how he had sent a medical team to their home to get Mia checked out to make sure she got the best treatment possible. As part of his pay, or a bonus, Gareth had not elaborated when Fabian had asked him.

That was a new side to Gareth; one that did not surprise Mackenzie. She had always known Gareth was empathetic and kind. He took care of his own, and the way he treated her, assured her he was much more than a ruthless gangster. He cared and did what he could. Anything to make her smile he saw as a priority, but also, she had a feeling that he wanted to do good, not just for her.

Fabian made a perfect example.

Work was good, exhausting, but good. Mackenzie had never thought it possible that she would smile at writing reports in that small office Alyssa had given her back when she had begun at Granstons.

Being cooped up at home, though she had every entertainment available to her, had grated on Mackenzie's nerves. She had spent a lot of time in the pool and sitting on the rooftop, enjoying the sun. The days had felt long when Gareth was at work. He made sure she had everything she needed, still, she had itched to get back to work.

To see people again.

Yet, it was exhausting for her when she was there. Concentrating on work was difficult when she knew Gareth was only a few floors up or off, or God knew where, doing what he did.

She missed him when he went out.

They had fallen into a sort of routine. Most days Gareth left at about six in the morning. If she were up, she made him coffee. Most days he left without seeing her, and left little notes in his ugly-ass handwriting, wishing her a good day.

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