You're Kidding Me! Part 3/5

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Pascal darts under a table, still being pursued by Little Lance. He hides behind the leg of the table, but gasps when Lance still manages to find him.

"A lizard!" Lance says, grabbing Pascal and cuddling him close to his face. "You're so cute, I wanna squish your face! I wanna squish your little belly and your weird little lizard eyeballs!" He pokes at Pascal, and then continues to squeeze him again as he coos: "You're a little green baby. Who's a little green baby? Who's a fancy little green baby? Yes you are, yes you are!"

Pascal groans in annoyance, as Rapunzel realizes something. "Little baby?" She repeats. "Oh wait, wait! Where is baby Shorty?"

Glancing around the room, they spot Shorty rolling around on top of a high shelf, grasping a wooden duck happily. He rolls right over the edge of the shelf, too quickly for any of them to react.

"No!" Rapunzel shouts as Eugene gasps. But thankfully, before Shorty collides with the floor, Matthews appears and catches him. Baby Shorty only giggles in response, unaware of the danger he was in.

"Fancy this?" Matthews says with a smile. "Ah, I see someone has got into the nursery! Ahh, the ol' Top of Time. Oh, look at the baby!" He holds Shorty up to get a better look at him, but then curses in French. "That is one ugly baby, oui?"

Rapunzel and Eugene aren't sure how to respond to Matthews, especially when he takes in the sight of their other friends, who are staring at him with unsure expressions, and the disaster of a dining hall around them.

"Now, now, now, now, would you look at this mess?" Matthews scolds.

"He did it!" Cassandra and Lance shout in unison, both pointing at Varian.

"Nuh-uh!" Varian protests, holding his hands up innocently and shaking his head in defense.

     "Nuh-uh!" Varian protests, holding his hands up innocently and shaking his head in defense

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Matthews chuckles. "The older you are, the younger it makes you." He glances back at Shorty as he adds, "This one must've been ancient."

"Matthews, how do we turn our friends back and get out of this place?!" Eugene asks angrily. "We want answers!"

"Well, is that what you want or what you need?" Matthews replies cryptically, as Shorty begins tugging on the man's mustache. "Stop that." He then continues, "In many cases, they are two very separate things. Stop that. However, in this case, it's most likely the same thing." He finally gets frustrated at Shorty playing with his mustache, and holds him out at arm's length. "Will you stop that?! You have a mustache of your own!"

"Mr. Matthews, please," Rapunzel says. "Do you have any idea how to change our friends back?"

"Surely, it's a cinch," Matthews tells her. "Simply find that top, and spin it in reverse."

"Okay, that seems... easy enough," Rapunzel says, slightly surprised.

"Of course, you only have one hour to do so," Matthews adds, "or they will remain kids forever."

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