The Great Tree, Part 1/7

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After a good night's sleep, Varian awakens early in the morning. He pats Ruddiger on the head, who is still sleeping soundly, and then slips out of the caravan without waking the others. He checks on the Rooster, which is still in good condition and working properly. He gets a drink of water, and grabs a bite to eat from the food trunk. Then he sits on the ground and leans against the caravan, enjoying the quiet peace of the morning as the sun rises.

He stares at the trail of black rocks ahead, imagining the route they are about to take. Today they will be traveling to the Great Tree, a gigantic white tree in the middle of nowhere that Adira told them is hollowed out inside. Traversing it will be the fastest way through the mountains that block their path, but something feels off about it to Varian. He can't quite put a finger on it, but he has a bad feeling about this 'Great Tree' and what it may hold in store for them. He has heard legends about it, and he doesn't like any of them.

After a while, Rapunzel and the others awaken and exit the caravan to prepare for the journey ahead. "Okay. The Great Tree is just over that ridge," Rapunzel says, pointing.

"Ya know, I gotta say," Eugene says, loading their camping supplies back into the caravan. "When we aren't fighting bad guys, running from fish people, or being turned into birds, life on the road can be pretty peaceful." He takes the princess's hand in his, and kisses it.

"Yeah, it's especially peaceful really early in the morn—" Varian begins to say. But the peace is disrupted when they hear Lance and Hook Foot arguing inside the caravan.

 But the peace is disrupted when they hear Lance and Hook Foot arguing inside the caravan

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"Guys! Guys! Guys! What is going on?" Eugene asks, throwing the caravan door open.

"We wanna see who's gonna clean our room by playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, but he keeps tryin' to cheat!" Hook Foot yells, jabbing a finger at Lance.

Lance gasps dramatically. "Cheat? How dare you, sir! He's lying, Eugene."

"Really?!" Hook Foot shouts angrily. "Scissors always beats paper!"

"And karate chop always beats scissors!" Lance retorts.

"I figured they'd just make me clean it, like they always do..." Varian mumbles to Rapunzel and Cassandra.

Hook Foot picks up the nearest item he can find —a telescope— and chucks it at Lance. But he misses, and it soars out the door. Varian has to duck, and Cassandra has to catch it in midair before it collides with Rapunzel's face.

"Hey!" Lance yells at Hook Foot, and the two of them continue arguing.

Varian sighs exasperatedly. "So much for that peaceful morning."

"I concur," Cassandra says. She turns to Rapunzel and adds, "I'm suddenly missing last night when it was just you and me on that scouting trip."

"Yeah, some alone time must have been nice," Varian says, wishing they had brought him along.

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