Goodbye and Goodwill, Part 1/4

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We're still in Vardaros... Is all Varian can think. He had hoped that, after inspiring the citizens to put faith in their city once again, he and the others could ride off in the caravan and continue their journey following the black rocks. But no, Rapunzel still had one more thing she wanted to do for the people...

"I can't express just how much this time in Vardaros has meant to us," Rapunzel announces to a small gathering of people. "We may have come here as strangers, but I like to think we're leaving as friends. So in the spirit of that friendship, we would like to share a Corona tradition with all of you. I am proud to announce... the first annual Vardaros Goodwill Festival!" She pulls on a rope, dramatically unfurling a colorful banner with a cute gopher painted on it. But instead of applause like she was expecting, the few people stare at her, seeming uninterested and bored.

"Boo!" One guy even shouts.

"Yeah, I got booed at last year's festival too," Rapunzel tells Vex, slightly embarrassed. "Don't worry, this is gonna be fantastic!"

"Wait, someone in Corona booed you?" Varian says, surprised. "I thought everyone in Corona loved you! Who would do that?"

 "I thought everyone in Corona loved you! Who would do that?"

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Rapunzel looks away from him. "I'd rather not talk about it," she says, folding her arms.

"It was Monty," Cassandra answers quickly.

"No, Uncle Monty?!" Varian is shocked. "I can't believe he would do that. He's the best! Once when I was little, I got lost in town and he gave me this huge lollipop to cheer me up until my dad found me."

"Yes, well, not everyone has to like everyone!" Rapunzel says, stomping away.

Varian glances at Cassandra in confusion, but she just shrugs. "It's best not to ask about it," she tells him. "The two of them have issues no one else understands."

The gang walk throughout the city, pinning up flyers advertising the Goodwill Festival.

"It's great that you wanna do this Raps," Cassandra says as she puts up another flyer, "but this town isn't like Corona. They don't feel the need to celebrate something every six seconds!"

"You should really listen to Cass," Vex says, sounding bored as she leans against a barrel. "Vardarans aren't really the 'goodwill' kind of crowd."

"I hate goodwill, ya clod!" An old lady shouts as she passes by.

Rapunzel rolls her eyes. "I know people here are a little rougher around the edges, but they deserve to have a good time."

"Are you sure everyone shares your idea of what makes a good time?" Cassandra asks. "Look, not one person has signed up for the Gopher Grab. Which might not be a bad thing, since we don't have a gopher!"

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