Chapter 16- Crash the Gates

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        In all his life, Jordan had never seen a giant robot. Surprising as it may be, the possibility of huge mechanical beasts lumbering around, knocking over trees and such existed only in the extensive realm of his mind.

        Up until about now.

        The hangar was musty and smelt strongly of oil and melting iron. The floors were rusty and covered in unidentifiable stains, the air thick with heat. People ran around the silver hallways, always busy with some odd job to do. Jordan, who was still having difficulty wrapping his mind around the fact that he was inside a video game, let alone meeting the characters that he had created to pay close enough attention to what those jobs in fact were.

        Cywren tugged at Jordan’s arm. “C’mon!” She said. “I don’t know whether this is the best time for you to have shown up or the worst, but either way we’re going to need some extra hands.”

        Timebomb rolled his eyes and stooped down to pet the dog that was running up to them. “Heya, Quasar.” He said, smiling. The dog whined and wagged his tail.

        “Oh hello!” Said a booming voice from elsewhere.

        Jordan gasped as a smiling super mutant rushed up to them, heaving a huge club over his bac, “Now I know why he had run away so fast. He was excited to see you two back alive.” He turned and saw Jordan, who had been standing in shock since he’d shown up. “Who is this?” He asked, face becoming hard and suspicious.

        “Cywren found him in a crater near the abandoned houses,” Timebomb replied. “I told her that she couldn’t keep him, but she wouldn’t hear any of it.”

        “We already have Quasar,” The super mutant joked, extending a hand. “I am Fawkes, but Cywren calls me Copper. I prefer this name. And yours?”

        Jordan shaking his hand. “Jordan,” He replied a bit shakily. “Jordan Frye. I just… Ah… Showed up I suppose. Don’t really know how or why, but I’ll figure it out later.”

        Copper shrugged and walked off, Quasar following him. They appeared to be headed for a small circle of people that were discussing something in hushed tones. 

        Timebomb nodded for Jordan to follow, and he did so. The circle was made up of three people and a few soldiers standing guard in metal armor. 

        “…So we should hit them sooner rather than later,” Said a familiar voice.

        “We barely have the manpower to keep the Citadel fortified,” Replied another. “We’ve been over this before, Sarah.”


        Jordan walked up to the circle behind Cywren, grinning to himself.

        “Oh, Cywren. You’ve returned.” Said Sarah. “We were just discussing the matter at hand.”

        “Uh huh,” Cywren replied. “Noticed. So what’s going on?”

        “I was saying that we shouldn’t just wait until they decide that we’re next on the list,” Sarah said, stepping into the light of the room. “If the Pride goes in now, we might still have a chance.”

        Sarah wore her usual attire- The usual clunky, metal armor and her blonde hair tied back into a haphazard ponytail. Despite the massive weight of the armor, she wore it like a second skin.

        “And if you fail, then what?” Retorted the man that she had been arguing with. He was clearly much older than Sarah and Cywren, clad in a royal blue cloak and sporting white hair. “The risk is not worth the reward.”

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