QnA with the Author

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How long in an estimated total did it take to write This Isn't a Game Anymore?
Eh... About a year. Give or take.

What was your favorite/least favorite chapter to write?
I loved writing the ending and Bethany's introductory chapter. I also loved the final Fallout chapter. In terms of least favorite, probably Cierra's second chapter because I had to write it down word for word and there was nothing exciting going on. I also had to describe the entirety of every area they went to, whereas the game just displays it.

Can I have a hug?
Yes you may.

What difficulties did you face in writing this story? (I.e. Deleted chapters, etc)
Mostly lack of inspiration. I've got the story backed up to three places, so I was always careful that nothing got deleted. I got writers' block repeatedly on a fairly regular basis, which made it really hard to continue. I get over it every time and continue writing, because I love you guys. <3

What VenturianTale video inspired this story?
There wasn't any particular video that made me want to write the book as a whole, but the entire backstory for Jimmy/Johnny/Box friend was brought on by the "Haunted by Cardboard Friend" PIE video. It explained very little, but I had fun with it and extrapolated as best I could.

Can I be in the next story? Plz?
No. I don't add reader OCs for many reasons. I tried to do it once, and it never worked out. Also, it would make the balance of the story messed up. I don't add myself in stories like this with the exception for a small reference every now and again.

Can I be Jimmy's girlfriend?
Uhm... No...? I think? You'll have to take that up with him. I'm not being wingman. :|

Why are your stories so sad?
It's just my style of writing. I don't like forcing happy endings, and I let the plot just do what it wants most times.

Do you ship Toasted Ghost?

May I create a fanfiction/fanart/fanwork?

Of course!! I love it when people draw/write/create stuff about any of my stories. Send me a link if you're a creative type and ever deicide to; I'll most certainly look at it. \(^ ^)/

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask below! I might just offer an answer. 

I will see you... Next time. *salutes*

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