Chapter 25- The Alpha and the Omega

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One might expect Cywren to be a mighty hero, fearing little. Deft in battle and kind in demeanor, defending the Wasteland with bravery and might. In many ways, she was. But in others, not so. Such as currently.

Her first moments of the final journey that she knew she would take began dully.

She took two steps,


and fell on her face.

Thankfully, no lasting injuries were inflicted on her, but her glasses cracked down the right side. Timebomb helped her up and made sure she was alright, all the while giving Jordan a half-glare. Jordan shrugged it off, not quite shipping the "Cybomb" pairing yet.

"I'm fine, really." Cywren assured her worried companion. "Let's go."

They nodded and pressed on.

After a few minutes of trekking through the expanse of decaying tunnels, they arrived in a room housing only a single door.

Jordan recalled it all too well. "Bad things would happen," The comments had warned. "Very bad things would happen beyond the door." Maybe it was the stress or just the balance of the game, but he couldn't quite recall how Cywren would die. He cursed Jimmy in his mind, crediting it (incorrectly) to him. Copper's face hardened as Cywren began to explain the plan.

"Okay everyone, gear up." She instructed. "Reload if you need to. Let me know if you need any Stimpacks. We have no idea what's past here, but we have to be ready."

Timebomb glanced behind him, then turned forward again and nodded. "We're ready."

Jordan took a shaky breath, agreeing. "Let's go."

Cywren placed a hand on the handle and turned, allowing them entry. They all tensed, preparing for a barrage of gunfire but finding none. Instead, Colonel Autumn stood in the corner of the room, fiddling with a pistol. At the sound of the door opening, he turned to face them.

His face was surprised a moment, but then it faded into disgust. "You again," He growled. "I can't say I'm surprised. You and your ilk seemed hell-bent on destroying everything our government has achieved."

"I'm not destroying anything," Said Cywren, keeping her gun low.

Colonel Autumn continued. "There's nothing stopping me from killing you now. Let's end this." Despite his words, he didn't display any intent of even pointing the weapon at her.

"Look," Jordan said. "I don't want to fight you."

She ignored him. "Give it up, Autumn. You've lost."

Autumn scoffed. "I beg to differ. The Enclave is at the height of its power. Once the facility is operational, the masses will flock to the Enclave for fresh water, protection, and a plan for tomorrow."

"You're not going be at 'the height of power' with this bullet in between your eyes," Jordan threatened, but Cywren waved him off.

"Raven Rock is gone," Cywren said. "Eden checked out. You've got nothing left."

Autumn seemed to consider this for a short moment. "The American People are worth fighting for," He finally replied. "The future must be secured. I won't let you stand in the way of that."

"This isn't the way to do it," Cywren urged. "More fighting will just make things worse."

"And what would you have me do?" He asked, voice wavering slightly as he began to think about what she was saying. "Let you have everything I've worked to build? Let you destroy it all?"

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