(25)The Archives -Phone Call pt.2-

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Hi guys!
So as the title says, this is the second part of the Phone Call one shot.

I HIGHLY suggest re-reading that one shot (see chapter 2) because it was posted such a long time ago.

Also, I'm well aware that Ahk should technically be a mummy during the day, but I thought it fit the story better if I just ignored that detail. (He's basically a wax figure during the day in this one shot)


"Dad, this feels super illegal." You mumble, sliding on a stolen Smithsonian night guard uniform.

"Well, think of it as doing a small wrong to right a bigger wrong." Larry says, fastening a navy blue tie around his neck.

"Yeah, okay." You sarcastically say, opening the door to the stairwell.

Larry takes out his cellphone and calls up Nick. They begin talking as you walk down the stairs, when suddenly, Nick gets cut off. "We must be to far down." You say. Larry puts away his phone and sighs. "We'd better hurry. It's almost sundown."

The two of you walk through one of the doors, and up to a security camera. Larry holds up his "borrowed" security pass to the camera, and the gate is opened.

As you walk into the archives, you frantically begin checking crates and boxes for your friends, or the tablet.

"(Yn). I found them." You turn around to see Larry standing around the corner, a nervous expression on his face.

You follow Larry into another section of the archives, gasping in horror at the sight in-front of you. A bunch of Egyptian guards with angry expressions are facing a storage crate, where all the exhibits are hiding in terror. Larry peeks into the crate with his flashlight, and examines the scene. "Troublemaker." He mumbles at Dexter. He tries to squeeze into the crate but can't fit. "(Yn), do you think you can fit into the crate and grab the tablet?" He asks.

"I think so." You say. You slowly wedge yourself into the crate, and look around with your flashlight. "Hey dad..."


"Ahk isn't in here.." you say, grabbing the tablet from Dexter.

"Really? I wonder where he is?" Larry says.

You hand the tablet to Larry. "We have to find him dad. He could be hurt."

"Check the room. He can't be far."

You begin searching the area, flashing the flashlight in every corner. A small lump forms in your throat when your flashlight lands on him. Two of the soldiers are holding him in their grasps, clearly struggling to hold him back. Ahkmenrah is in between the two, a look of anger on his face as he tried to break free. You slowly approach him, and cup his cheek in your hand. "I'm so sorry, Ahk." You whisper. "I'm going to get you out of here."

You grip onto the left guards hand, and pry Ahkmenrah's arm from it. You walk to the right one, and try to pull his hand from the pharaohs arm. Just as you're about to free Ahkmenrah, the alarm on your watch goes off. "No no no no no!!" You mutter, pulling even harder, just as Ahk and the guards snap back to life. The guards begin yelling and screaming, and in the pure confusion, you kick the one who is still holding onto Ahkmenrah, in the groin. He falls to his knees and begins yelling in Egyptian. Before he can recover, you grab Ahk's wrist and bolt away from them.

Ahkmenrah looks at you in shock. "(Yn)? What are you doing here?!" He asks.

"My dad and I came to help you guys. Dad got Jed's cal-" you're cut off when you run into someone. You slowly look up to see a man in a teal colored dress, a large crown, and black hair. He smirks when he sees you and Ahkmenrah. You look over to your father, who is surrounded by guards. He looks at you nervously.

"Oh my my my...Who is this beautiful young lady dear brother?" The stranger asks.

Almost instantly, Ahkmenrah puts his arm in front of you defensively, "Don't touch her, Kahmunrah." He growls.

The man, Kahmunrah's face stays expressionless, and he snaps his fingers. A guard comes up from behind you, and grabs both your forearms, holding you captive. He walks you over to Kahmunrah, who smiles wickedly.

"Let me go!" You demand, kicking and squirming frantically.

"Oh, she's a feisty one." Kahmunrah says, eying you up and down. He takes a strand of your (hc) locks, and twirls it between his fingers. Your face turns red with anger, and you jerk your head, pulling your hair out of Kahmunrah's grimy hands. "You're a rat." You tell him.

Kahmunrah hooks his finger underneath your chin, forcing you to look up at him. "If I were you, I'd watch my tongue. I could end your life in a second and we wouldn't want that, now would we?"

Your gaze drifts over to Ahkmenrah, who has a expression of worry and anger on his face.

Kahmunrah turns back to Larry. "I want that tablet, Larry Daley of Daley Devices." He demands holding out his hand.

"Don't do it, Dad!!" You yell.

Kahmunrah whips around. "You, young lady, have no say in this matter." He says in a angry tone.

"You can't tell me what to do." You smirk. "After all, you're no king."

Kahmunrah's face turns red with rage. "HOW DARE YOU. I AM A GOD! YOU ARE JUST A PATHETIC MORTAL!" He yells, grabbing a spear from one of the guards. He holds its blade up to your neck. You wince at the cold metal that gently grazes your skin. 

"(YN)!!" Larry calls out.

"Give me the tablet, now." He threatens.

"Fine." Larry slowly walks forward and shoves the tablet at Kahmunrah. Kahmunrah greedily smiles, and tosses you off to the side.

You fall to the cold concrete floor, your hand placed on your neck as you gasp for air. Ahkmenrah rushes to your side, and places his hands on your shoulders. "(Yn), are you alright?! My brother didn't hurt you did he?" He frantically asks, checking you over.

"I'm alright." You softly say, trying to hide the shaky tone in your voice.

"We need to get you out of here." The young pharaoh says.

"But what about the tablet?" You ask worriedly.

"We will get the tablet, but for now, you're my top priority, (yn)." He says, pulling you up.

The two of you slowly sneak out of the room as Larry leads Kahmunrah to "the cube of rubic"

You and Ahkmenrah slowly walk down the halls of the archives. You suddenly stop walking and look up into his stunning eyes. "Ahk...I'm so sorry. We almost never got to see each other again because of me." You say.

"(Yn), it's alright. A new chapter of your life has begun. Your father built up a new life for you and Nick. Don't apologize for that." He says with a small smile.

"But...I don't want this new chapter to be without you in it." You say. "I don't want to put this off any longer...Ahk...I like you...l-like like you. You don't have to feel the same, but I'd never forgive myself if my opportunity to tell you passed me by again." You say, biting your bottom lip.

Ahkmenrah's cheeks turn bright red, as he looks down at you.

Your cheeks turn pink "Shoot..I just made this so weird...I'm sorry" you're cut off by a pair of lips on your own, and kissing you. You kiss him back, and wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

When you and the pharaoh part, you both blush and nervously smile at each other.

"I'm sorry...I just have been wanting to do that for awhile now." Ahk chuckles.

You smile and giggle. He was just to cute. "So does this make you my boyfriend now?"

"Does it make you my girlfriend?"

You pretend to think hard about it. "Hmmm....yes." You say with a nod.

"Then I suppose I am your boyfriend."

You take his hand in your own. "Well then, 'boyfriend', shall we go get your tablet back?"

"We shall."

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