(35) Blind Date

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Modern Day AU

"I just don't get it, (yn)."

You sigh as you stare at your best friend, Tilly. It was your weekly breakfast date with your two closest girlfriends, Tilly and Amelia. You looked forward to these breakfasts because it gave the three of you a chance to catch up. "Tilly, we've been over this. Guys are honestly jerks and I have no desire to go on any more of your blind dates."

"There has to be a guy out there for you (yn)!" Amelia reassures. "Who wouldn't want to date a woman as high-spirited and brave as you?"

You only shake your head.

The blond sighs. "Oh, c'mon! Sure the last guy was a little creepy, but this time will be different!"

You take another bite of your chocolate doughnut. "He was a stalker." You scoff. "Blind dates are probably the worst way to meet people."

"But what about me? I met my boyfriend through a blind date." Tilly objects, taking a sip from her latte.

"I'm not sure that'll convince (yn). If anything, it'll send her darting off in the wrong direction." Amelia teases.

You think back to Tilly's boyfriend, who you weren't very fond of. He had matted brown hair, and could hardly form clear sentences. You were about 95% sure that he was homeless. "Look," you begin. "I appreciate your concern about my love life, but I'm fine. I didn't agree to come to breakfast with you so we could discuss that. Can we please just change the subject?" You plead.

Tilly sighs. "Ugh, fine. But you can't blame me when you're in your forties and live alone with eighty cats."

Amelia chuckles.



Ahk's POV

Ahkmenrah sighs as his friends continue bringing up dating. Jedidiah, Octavius, and Teddy, constantly brought up the fact that he was still single, so they tried to set him up on blind dates, but every single one of the candidates weren't exactly the most ideal partners. At this point he had no interest in dating any of the people that his friends could possibly introduce him to.

"Sacajawea has a friend who is also single at the moment. I could try and set you up with her." Teddy offers.

"Guys, I really don't think that blind dates are the best way to meet people." Ahkmenrah wearily says.

"We're worried about you, is all." Octavius says, patting Ahk's back.

"Yeah, you seem lonely these days. You ain't your usual self." Jedidiah states.

"I can assure you I'm fine."


"All you do is work! Don't you want to form some kind of relationship?" Teddy asks.

"Not with the people you three have been setting me up with." Ahk firmly says. "If this is all you guys wanted to discuss with me, then I see no reason to continue this meal." Ahkmenrah grabs is coat and slings it over his shoulder. "I'll be seeing you all later." He says, walking away.

Jedidiah smacks Octavius' arm. "Now look what you did!"

"I did nothing of the sort!!"

"Gentlemen, please!" Teddy says, raising his voice. "We clearly need to intervene. This time I believe that I know of the perfect girl."


(Yn)'s POV

"So where did you say your sunglasses case was?" You ask into your cell phone. Amelia called you after work let out because she forgot her sunglasses case at a cafe. Since her flight school was halfway across town, you offered to pick it up for her.

"It should be on one of the back tables." She says into the phone.

You walk into the back of the cafe and search the tables, chairs, and floor, but can't find the case anywhere. "Are you sure it's here?" You skeptically ask.

"(Yn), are you accusing me of not being able to keep track of my belongings?-Oh wait! Here it is! Silly me! Sorry about all that."Amelia nervously chuckles into the phone.

You roll your eyes. "It's fine." You mumble into the phone, feeling slightly annoyed.

"Well I'd better get back to soaring through the clouds! You know how strict these schedules are. See ya!"

"Byeee~" you sing into the phone.

Somebody suddenly rams into you, causing you to fall over. The stranger falls on top of you, and your faces are only inches away from each other. You both instantly turn pink, and the man quickly stands up. He had a handsome face with dark brown eyes and warm tan skin. He looked to be in his early twenties.

"I am so so sorry." He quickly says. "My friend's document for work flew in here and I ran after it without really paying attention to my surroundings." He holds out his hand so he can lift you up.

You hesitantly take it, and he pulls you off the floor. "It's alright..." you brush yourself off.

The man grabs his paper and reads it. He then sighs.

"What's wrong? Is your paper ruined?" You ask.

"No...but I think that my friends are trying to set me up with you." He says, showing you the 'document', which is actually just a blank sheet of paper. He crumples up the paper into a ball, and stuffs it in his pocket. "I'm very sorry about all this. My friends think that they need to get me a girlfriend, but at this point, it's exhausting."

You burst out laughing.

"Does that amuse you?" He asks.

"No, no! It's just that my friends are the exact same way." You smile. "They probably planned this all with your friends." You giggle at just how ridiculous the situation was.



"My name. My name is Ahkmenrah." He says, holding out his hand while smiling.

"Mine's (yn)." You shake it.

You stare at each other for a moment in silence, before Ahkmenrah speaks up. "I'll get out of your hair now. I'm sorry about all of this, (yn). But for what it's worth, it was great meeting you."

Suddenly you feel upset. Usually you couldn't wait for the blind dates your friends set up for you to end, but now...you didn't want Ahkmenrah to leave. "Wait!" You quickly say.

Ahkmenrah turns around to face you. "Yes?"

"Don't go. Can I at least buy you a coffee while we're here?" You ask.

Ahkmenrah's face lights up. "I would love that."

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