(9) Winter

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It was a snowy winter day in January. You were walking up to the British Museum to meet your best friend, Tilly for work. As you're walking up the steps, you slip on a patch of slick ice. You frantically grab the handrail to catch yourself, but you still slam your knee on the hard stone steps. God, you hated winter...

After basically pulling yourself up the steps on the rail, you limp into the museum and breath a sigh of relief as you feel the burst of warm air against your skin. You head to the locker room.

You slip off your heavy white coat, and hang it up into the beat up gray locker as Tilly skips up to you. "Hey (nn)!" She says, just as bubbly as ever.

"Hi Tilly. What's up?" You ask, not looking away from your locker.

"Aren't you exited?!" Tilly asks.

"About what?"

"The snow!!"

"I'm really not...I honestly hate winter." You admit flatly.

Tilly gasps obnoxiously "how?! The snow is absolutely incredible!"

"Look, I really don't want to get into detail...can we just get the museum ready for tonight?"

You always thought Tilly was a great friend because she had a way of telling if you weren't comfortable with sharing something, as she didn't push you to tell her why, She just simply nodded her head. "Alright. I'll meet you out there." And with that, she walks out of the locker room.

You sigh and look up at a photograph taped up on your locker. You were only nine when that photo was taken. It was an extremely snowy winter and you and your father were in your backyard covered in winter clothes. You both were smiling as you were kneeling in the snow, building a snowman. You softly smile as You recall that perfect moment in time.

"(Yn) you comin'?"

You're snapped from your daydream and turn to see Tilly peeking her head through the door. You nod and rush out the door. "I'll start off in the Asian wing and then move on to Egypt." You say, securing your flashlight into your belt.

As you walk down the halls of the museum, you wave to the exhibits as you pass by. You do a quick sweep of Asia, so you can get Egypt faster to see a certain pharaoh. You'd never admit it to Tilly (even though she constantly teases you), but you've had a huge crush on King Ahkmenrah since you've started working at the museum.

You arrive in the Egyptian Wing and almost instantly go searching for Ahkmenrah. After awhile of searching, you find young pharaoh down one of the hallways, looking out a large window overlooking London.

"Ahk?" You ask, walking up behind him. Ahkmenrah jumps and turns around. "Ah, (yn), you startled me." The pharaoh says sheepishly.

You sit down on the windowsill. "Sorry about that." You say, swinging your legs back and forth. "What were you looking at?"

"I was just watching the snow fall. I've only ever had the opportunity to experience it once...a long time ago..." Ahkmenrah's voice trails off, but he quickly smiles and changes his tone. "You must love being able to go outside in it!"

You scratch the back of your neck nervously. "Well, actually..." you look into a Ahkmenrah's bright exited eyes and can't bear to disappoint their owner. "What if I took you onto the roof? Nobody would see us, and then you could see the snow again!" You say.

The pharaoh's face lights up. "Really?! That would be wonderful!!"

You then lead the very eager pharaoh up the steps to the roof and open the door. Ahkmenrah runs outside. You'd expect someone in his clothes to be freezing in this weather, but Ahk seemed fine. It must be a side effect of the tablets magical abilities.

You were honestly a bit surprised by Ahkmenrah's behavior. Usually he was reserved and mature but now he was running about as though he was a little kid.

You decide to leave Ahk to himself as you walk to the edge of the roof and look out over London. You shiver a bit and cross your arms over your chest to keep warm. You stand there in your thoughts for a few minutes until you feel something cold and wet hit you in the shoulder.

You whip your head around to see the pharaoh standing a few feet behind you, giving you a mischievous grin. Dramatically, you act extremely shocked, and slowly pick up a handful of snow, packing it into a tight little ball. You throw it at Ahkmenrah's head, but miss and knock his crown off of his head. From there, it only takes about twenty seconds for the two of you to be having an all out snowball war.

As you both doge and hit each other, you run across the roof to get to another snow patch. As you run, however, you slip on a patch of ice and go sliding into a pile of snow.

Ahkmenrah runs up to you and flips you onto your back. "(Yn)? (Yn) are you alright?!" He frantically asks.

You slowly open your eyes and look at the worried pharaoh. Without warning, you pull him down and slam his lips against your own. Ahkmenrah's eyes widen in surprise, but quickly close in content.

When you part, you quickly sit up. "Oh my goodness Ahk...I don't know what came over me..." you say. "I'm so sorry."

Ahkmenrah smiles and places his hand behind your head, your hair cold and wet from the snow. He pulls you in, and gently kisses your lips.

Maybe winter wasn't so bad after all.

Moonlight's Secret (Ahkmenrah x Reader Oneshots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant