(54) Captured -Shipped Off pt.5-

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The cool autumn air washes over you like a blanket. The smell of fall air and golden leaves fills your nostrils, and with it a new sense.


You slowly walk down the stone steps and close your eyes in content as the soft breeze ruffles your hair. As your foot carefully steps onto the sidewalk, a crunching sound escapes the leaves. You like the sound it makes so you take another step. Then another. You were beaming. You kneel and pick up a handful of leaves and toss them into the crisp air. A laugh exits your lips as you spin around with joy.

It was your first time outside of any museum and it was addicting. You never wanted to go back inside. I wonder if the real Queen (Yn) liked to be outside. You wonder.

You turn your head to look at Ahk, who was watching you from the steps smiling. You quickly run over to him and grab his hands, leading him out into the sidewalk with you. He twirls you around as the two of you dance in the moonlight.

:-Ahk's POV-:

Ahkmenrah watched (Yn) from the steps, and smiled. He hadn't seen the (HC) girl so happy in months. He loved watching (Yn)'s childlike and free-spirited personality shine through.

(Yn)'s eyes meet his own, and he feels his cheeks grow warm. She was stunning. The queen quickly runs towards Ahkmenrah, takes his hands, and leads him out onto the sidewalk with her. They begin dancing and spinning in the glow of the moonlight.

:-(Yn)'s POV-:

Ahk spins me outward and I spin back into him, ending up with my back against his chest. We smile and one another as we gaze lovingly into each other's eyes.


"So what's the plan now?" I ask as we wander through the National Gallary.

"We need to find Larry. Hopefully, he'll have the tablet with him. If my brother has it-"

I cut him off. "Stop talking."

Ahkmenrah looks hurt. "Well, that was rude."

I quickly grab his hand and pull him behind a wall. I peek around the corner and see a man who looked to be Napoleon Bonaparte, whose French troops were surrounding Larry and another woman with short curly hair. I turn back to Ahk. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude but well, see for yourself." I point to the troops and Napoleon.

"Who is that guy?" Ahkmenrah worriedly asks.

"That's Napoleon Bonaparte. He was a powerful French Commander." I explain, not taking my eyes off of the men. "But what would he possibly want with Larry?"

"I have no idea. We should follow them and see where they go." Ahk suggests, leading me out of our hiding place as the men begin departing the room.

Ahk and I carefully follow them out of the building, being careful not to draw attention to us. We eventually arrive at another museum, where Napoleon leads Larry inside, the soldiers shoving him roughly.

Ahkmenrah quickly grabs my hand and we duck behind a display case. I look around the room and see dozens of different soldiers, and piles upon piles of riches and priceless artifacts Kahmunrah stole. He grins as he slowly approaches Larry. "Ah, Mr. Daley. So nice to see you again. If you don't mind, I shall take that from you." He mocks, greedily pulling Ahkmenrah's tablet from the night guard's hands. "Thank you." Kahmunrah turns around and approaches an old door, that looked to be taken right out of a tomb. "Finally, finally!" He grins, placing the tablet in a slot on the door.

"Oh no..." Ahk mutters under his breath.

"What's going on? What's he doing?"

"Mother and father always warned me about letting the tablet fall into the wrong hands." Ahk shakes his head. "My brother is finally going to fulfill his goal and unleash his army."

I put my hands on Ahkmenrah's shoulders and frantically shake them. "We have to stop him!"

"We can't. We're completely outnumbered!"

I sigh, knowing that Ahk was right.

"After 3000 years, my evil army of the undead, my beautiful, beautiful army of the undead,"
Kahmunrah says as he begins tapping different tiles. With each tap, I grow more and more enraged.
"Will be UNLEASHED." Kahmunrah triumphantly shouts, pressing the last tile for the combination.

My anger explodes like a volcano erupting. Without thinking, I stand up and march over to Kahmunrah.

"In your dreams!"

Moonlight's Secret (Ahkmenrah x Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now