(31) The Goddess

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Hey guys!! So I actually started this one shot back in September, but abandoned it because I always worry about writing one shots that take place in Ancient Egypt because I don't want to make them inaccurate to the time period. So I recovered it from the depths of my drafts and finished it!! Enjoy!

"What in the world...?"

You hold your flashlight up to the strange machine in pure shock. What was this thing? A large metal frame covering in wires stood before you, a red light beeping on the side. You knew that your dad has always been a bit of an inventor, but that was only when he made the things whose ads you'd see on TV. Like when he made the nose hair razor.

That involved a lot of blood.

But this was entirely different...but what is it?

You had woken up in the middle of the night from a weird dream. You went downstairs to get a glass of water, but heard a strange noise coming from the spare room. So obviously you went to investigate.

Suddenly a blue portal type thing appears in the frame and begins pulling stray papers and small objects into it. By the time you realize that the pull is getting stronger and will suck you in, it's to late. You're sucked in and can't escape.

You go flying through a strange blue orb through space, spinning, and spinning around, with no sign of stopping.

Almost as soon as you were sucked in, you've been dropped from another blue portal in a pile of sand.

You slowly open your eyes to see mounds of sand everywhere...including your mouth.

You stand up, brush yourself off, and glance around. You then see a...pyramid? In the distance. Is this Egypt?
You begin walking towards the pyramid, hoping to find someone who can help you get back home.
As you walk, beads of sweat begin rolling down your face. Your hair starts getting wet and you feel gross.

As you approach the pyramid you see groups of people in plain clothes and tunics. They all have dark tan skin and dark hair. They collect water, sell things to one another, and tend to crops next to what you assume is the Nile River. They all stare at you as you walk closer. I guess I don't exactly look like them... you think to yourself, looking down at your Captain America nightshirt and red shorts.

You suddenly see all the Egyptians bow. You turn around to see servants of some kind carrying four royals on a litter, surrounded by guards.

"You!" One of the guards yells, pointing a spear at you. "Why do you not bow before pharaoh Merenkahre?" He demands.

"I uh...I'm sorry I'm just extremely confused...I don't know where I am or when I am for that matter..."


You close your mouth.

Two guards grab you by your forearms and drag you towards the royals. "Your highnesses, this girl refuses to bow in your name." The guard says.

You nervously bite your lip as you look up at the pharaoh.

"Who are you?" He sternly asks.

"My name is (yn). I come from a land far away from here. I was sucked into this strange machine and brought here. I mean you no harm. I just want to go home." You politely say. You notice one of the royals looking at you with a curious but kind expression. You feel your cheeks turn red. You look down at your smart watch as it chimes and lights up. The notification on the screen gives you the weather back home.

Moonlight's Secret (Ahkmenrah x Reader Oneshots)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें