(16) Canines -Halloween Special-

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Hi Halloween Readers!

I wanted to celebrate Halloween by writing a spoopy oneshot. 👻

*insert SPOOPY bops*

Let me know what you guys think!

🎃Happy Halloween!!🎃

You shiver a bit in the cold autumn air. Your little brother Nick rushes up behind you. "(Yn)...why...are you...going so...fast??" He pants.

"I want to get to the museum as fast as possible! I can't wait to set up these pumpkins." You say, gesturing to the box in your hand.

"Are you sure it's not because you want to see your boyfriend~?" Nick says, nudging your arm with his elbow.

"Oh be quiet. We're just friends." You say rolling your eyes.

"Tell that to your sketches of him..." Nick mutters.

As the two of you walk up the steps into the Museum, you sigh as the warm air hits you. "Dad! We're here!" You call out into the quiet museum.

Dad walks out of the left hallway. "What do you have there hun?" He asks, pointing to the box in your hands.

"Just a couple of pumpkins. I thought it would help liven up the Halloween spirit." You say, setting down the box.

"Oh! That reminds me, we got a donation from the Sleepy Hollow Museum last night." Your father says.

"Like the headless horseman?! Is it haunted?!?" Nick eagerly asks.

"Of course not." You roll your eyes. "The headless horseman is just a legend." You turn to Larry. "What's the artifact?"

"It's an old Hessian coin. It was from the revolutionary war."

"Really?" That's so cool!"

You take two pumpkins out of the box and walk them over to the front desk, setting them on top of it. You then walk upstairs to the colonial section of the museum where the old coin was.

You see it sitting in a glass case against the wall. It was an incredibly dirty coin. As you take a closer look you notice a dark glimmer flash across the metal coin. Huh...that was...odd... you think to yourself.

The sun must've set because The exhibits around you all suddenly come to life. "(Yn)! Wonderful to see you again!" A pilgrim named Will says, slightly bowing.

"I good to see you too. But I need to go find someone."

"Is this 'someone' a certain young pharaoh?" Will asks with a chuckle.

"N-No!" You blush. "But anyways, Igottogobye!!" You say, quickly backing away.

You hear the sound of glass shattering behind you.


Why were you so clumsy?

You slowly turn around to see the hessian coins display case in thousands of teeny tiny pieces scattered across the floor. "SHOOT!!" You shout.

You carefully walk through the glass looking for the small coin. You let out a sign of relief when you see it. Slowly, you pick it up and wipe away a bit of dirt on it with your sleeve. The coin suddenly starts glowing a bright gold color, and becomes so bright that you can't see anything around you.

Just as soon as the glowing started, it stopped. You let out a small sigh of relief and slowly stand up.

Except you don't stand.

You're levitating.

You gasp and look at your feet to see that you're now wearing a long flowing white dress that covers your feet with sleeves that cover your hands. You fly (yes fly) over to the nearest mirror and let out a loud high pitched shriek. Your body is now an eerie white translucent color, and your eyes and lips are pitch black. Your hair is long and wavy and stretches to where your ankles should be. "What's happened to me..?"

You slowly float to the main lobby and gasp (again) at what you see. Teddy and his horse, Texas, were both zombies, your dad was a small elf, Rexy was now a dragon skeleton, and Nicky (or at least you thought it was nick) was a Goblin.

You quickly float over to Nick. "Jeez, (yn) what happened to you?!" He gasps.

"Nick? Is that you?"

"Of course it's me. Do I really look that bad?" He asks.

"Uh, no! You look fine. What happened here?"

"We aren't sure...you could go ask Ahk. Maybe it has something to do with the tablet."

"Good idea! And before you say anything, it's not just a good idea because Ahkmenrah's involved." You say, crossing your arms.


"Ugh your so annoying. It's no wonder your a goblin."


You don't respond, and quickly fly off to Ahkmenrah's tomb.

When you arrive you peek your head around the corner and look into the room. It looked to be empty. You slowly float in and call out. "Ahk? You in here?"

Ahkmenrah pokes his head out from around a pillar and runs up to you. "(Yn)? What has happened to you?"

"I'm not sure. I think I've been turned into a banshee. Everyone has become some type of mythical monster." You say, looking down at the floor. You look back up at Ahkmenrah and realize that he looks exactly the same as always. "Why weren't you affected by whatever spell this is?" You ask.

"I was affected. The effects just haven't kicked in yet..." he trails off.

"What do you mean? Ahk you're scaring me..."

Ahkmenrah gently moves his upper lip to the side, revealing two abnormally large canines.

You gasp a bit. "What have you become?"

"I-" Ahkmenrah falls to the floor and clutches his side. "(Yn) go, and lock the entrance to the tomb." He grunts.

"Ahk, I can't leave you!!" You exclaim, kneeling down by the pharaoh.

"That's an order! Hurry, before it's too late!"

If you were still a human you were sure that tears would be flowing down you cheeks. Ahkmenrah looked to be is so much pain.

Suddenly Ahkmenrah's head jerks up. His eyes have become a deep golden yellow, with black slits. He gives you a sly grin, and slowly sits up on his knees.

"Ahk..." you say just above a whisper.

Ahkmenrah grabs your arms and pins you to the ground. He leans over top of you, and gives you a devilish grin, his canines looking longer that ever. You notice his dark brown hair getting longer and wilder and You feel his nails growing longer and sharper against your skin. A shaggy brown tail begins growing out from his tailbone.

Then you realized it.

The old Ahk was gone.

"Please don't hurt me..." you whimper.

"Oh my dear, (yn). I could never hurt you." He leans down and roughly kisses you on the lips. He looks down at you. "After all, you're mine now."

Moonlight's Secret (Ahkmenrah x Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now