(11) Urge -The New Kid pt. 3-

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"Jess help meeeee!" You crumple onto the floor in a sad pathetic blob. It was already Winter break, and Ahkmenrah invited you to go to the Rockefeller Center Ice Rink with him. You begin slightly hyperventilating as your big sister, Jess bursts into the room.  Her chestnut hair is half straightened, half wavy, as she had to quickly stop what she was doing to check on you and she's wearing a baggy pink T-shirt with Mean Girls lettered on the front. "(Yn) what is it? I'm getting ready f-" she stops when she sees your state. "What's going on in here?"

"This guy at school I may or may not like asked me to go ice skating with him tonight but I'm clueless on what to wear! Please help me!!" You whine, gripping onto your sisters legs.

"Oh you poor little girl..." Jess says kneeling down and patting your hair. Then she cuts the act and smirks at you. "I've got you covered."

For the next hour and a half Jess works her magic on you, making you look like a goddess. Your hair is loosely curled, and a light layer of eyeshadow was applied to your eyelids. You're wearing brown knee high boots, white leggings, a short deep brown skirt, a cream v-neck sweater, and a large winter coat is wrapped around you. You glance in the mirror to see white fluffy earmuffs being gently placed atop your head.

You let out a small gasp "Oh my goodness...I look..."

"Beautiful." Jess softly whispers.

You tightly hug your sister, but she shoves you to the door. "Now get going!" She giggles. You bolt out the door but quickly look back. "Thankyou Jess!" You exclaim.

Jess chuckles. "You're welcome! Now go get your mans!!"

You run down the three flights of stairs and bolt out the front door of your apartment building. As you run into the cold winter evening, you see little white puffs of air come out of your mouth. You shiver a bit, and walk over to the bench you and Ahk planned on meeting at, careful not to slip on patches of ice.

You then see a familiar looking boy, wearing a gray winter coat, jeans, and winter boots. Atop his dark brown hair, sits a white beanie. You wave to him happily, and he waves back, a small smile resting on his lips. He approaches you, and you walk up to meet him, but you no longer look out for ice, and slip and fall. Ahkmenrah catches you, and you look up into his chocolate brown eyes. You stay like that for a moment before the two of you both realize how close your faces are to each other. Ahkmenrah nervously chuckles and gently let's go of you.

"Shall we call a taxi?" He asks.



"Woah is right."

"I can't believe I've lived in this city my whole life, and never been here." You gasp in amazement. You and Ahk stand in front of the Rockefeller Center, and gaze up at the giant Christmas tree. The lightbulbs covering the tree light up in a bright glow, creating a magical effect. Below, people of all types bundled up in winter clothes, skate along the ice.

"Let's go get some skates." Ahkmenrah says, pointing to the rental area. You put on your skates and tighten the laces, not wanting them to come undone on the ice.

As you and Ahk walk towards the ice, you begin to feel your stomach twisting into knots. You shiver, but this time you get the feeling that it isn't from the cold nipping at your face. "Ahk, I'm not sure I can do this. I've never skated before." You confess.

Ahkmenrah gives you a smile, and takes your gloves hand. "It's alright, (yn). I was nervous the first time I skated too. I'll hold onto your hand until you feel comfortable to go on your own."

"Thankyou." You softly say. Still a bit nervous, you step onto the ice. You slip, and quickly grip onto Ahkmenrah's arm.

He gives you a reassuring glance. "Just follow my lead." As Ahkmenrah teaches you the basics, you begin to feel a bit more confident. You slowly let go of his hand, and skate forward a bit. When you don't fall, you begin skating faster. "Ahk! I'm doing it!" You happily cheer. You turn back to look at his face, but you can't find it in the crowd. "Ahk?"

You suddenly bump into someone, and knock them over, you landing on top of them. "Oh my goodness, i am so so sorry..." you say, quickly trying to stand up.

"That's alright. I remember when I first started skating. I fell over a lot." You look down at the person you knocked over. A boy about your age, is standing up, his curly brown hair going every which way as he tries to secure it under his hat.

"Nicky? Where are you?" The two of you turn to see a middle aged man with brown hair skating towards you.

"I'd better go before my dad has a stroke." The boy-er-Nicky says.

"Okay. Again, I'm really sorry." You apologize.

"No worries!" Nicky calls over his shoulder as he skates towards his dad.

I'd better find Ahkmenrah... you think, beginning to skate off. You search for a few minutes before seeing him frantically searching around. You skate up to him, and when he sees you a big smile comes across his face. "(Yn) thank the Egyptian gods! I was so worried when I couldn't find you!"

You grab his hand, and tightly grip it. "Maybe we should keep holding hands. I don't want to loose you again." You softly say.

Ahkmenrah's cheeks turn a rosy pink, and you get the feeling that it isn't from the cold. He is so cute. Without thinking, you peck him on the lips. Almost immediately, you realize what you've done. "Oh my goodness, Ahk...I'm so sorry...I wasn't at all-mmph!"

You're cut off by a set of lips hitting your own. Your eyes widen in pure shock, but quickly close in content.

Suddenly you weren't freezing cold anymore. It was almost as though the warmth from Ahkmenrah's lips was transferring to your whole body. You wrap your arms around his neck, deepening your kiss. Without you even knowing it, an urge deep within you was finally fulfilled.

Why do I keep writing winter stories in FRIGGIN AUGUST?! I'm going to be out of ideas for winter when it rolls around

...I have a problem...

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